Chapter 27 ~ Queen

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I'm sorry if this chapter isn't up to scratch, there's been a death in the family and writing has been very difficult. Feel free to point out spelling errors so I can fix em.

Chapter 27: Queen

"Well...that was less terrifying than last time," Atanas announced as I finally managed to park the car by the house.

The lights seemed to be on in every room, making it look a little less scary than the first time I'd arrived at its door. Yet still there was a sense of trepidation as I stared at the big double doors. When I closed my eyes to compose myself, I could suddenly hear the sounds of battle raging around me.

Flashes of silver blades, screaming, the copper scent of blood heavy in the air.


I jerked back to reality, loosening my grip on the steering wheel and I was back in the car again. Atanas was watching me with a frown and I hated the worried look in his eyes.

"I thought dying in a car crash would be anticlimactic after all we've been through so I tried to drive carefully," I finally said, undoing the seatbelt and slipping out of the car.

Tucking the keys into my back pocket, I did a nervous once over of my surroundings. Streetlights lit everything in an eerie orange glow that was dulled by thick fog. Water in the air made scents hard to catch and that only made anxiety spike. Damn living so close to the sea.

"You don't have to do this," Atanas repeated for the third time, making me roll my eyes.

But I did, and we both knew it.

Movement behind one of the curtains drew my eyes back to the house, that was more of a mansion now I really got time to study it. Honey eyes caught mine before Kincaid let the curtain drop again. He'd looked relieved to see us and I wondered how chaotic it was inside. I shouldn't have let Atanas come back to Cala-Phort with me, he was needed here.

"Let's just get tonight over with so we can go home," I sighed, rounding the car only to pause at the look on my mate's face.

He shifted on his feet, his eyes flicking to the house and I sighed again, "We're not going back to Cala-Phort are we?"

"No. Until we have things thoroughly under control here, this is where we need to be. We'll hold our meeting for the country leaders here, give them the opportunity to swear fealty. After that, like I said, we can go anywhere in the world, Libertas Mea," he promised with determination.

I nodded, shoving my hands in the pockets of my jacket. He made it sound so simple but it couldn't possibly be as easy as all that. How could he be so sure that the country leaders would bow so easily to him? Rubbing my eyes, I decided I'd leave that for him to worry about. Politics wasn't my forte.

The door swung open before we even started up the stone steps and a grumpy looking boy glared at us. Despite having seen him before, I still couldn't help but stare at the vampire who was stuck as a child forever. Dvij eyed us both accusingly, narrowing his gaze at Atanas as he pushed the door wider.

"You should have been here hours ago," he snapped, stepping out the way to let us in.

I bristled at his tone and wondered how he'd react to me threatening to put him in the naughty corner. My lips twitched and Atanas gave me a look that told me he knew I was thinking of saying something cheeky.

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