Chapter 1: Now Just Sit Back and Get to Know Each Other

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I filed out of the stadium with the little hearing left in my ears. The whole croud hadn't stopped screaming the second we stepped foot into the facility. 

I had just left a One Direction concert and now my life was slightly better. I was a fan, but not a crazy one. I had heard about them from a friend and checked them out on youtube. My whole fangirl life had been born there. I had grown fond of the five charming, yet very different, boys ever since and had felt a real connection with their music. 

I had a huge crush on Niall Horan, but I was a no one and he would never know me. 

I pushed past a few girls in tears and just rolled my eyes. She was yelling at the girl just a foot away from her about how "Louis had looked her right in the eyes and said 'I love you'." I just laughed a little and walked on. 

Sure I loved the performance and they were great, but I was not so effected like the other girls. Like I said, I had a crush, but I was not going to get myself down by thinking I had something with someone I would never actually meet. 

I kept my pace and soon discovered that I was walking in a huge circle. 

About ten minutes later, I had passed the same blue Accord. 

Yay. I was lost. 

I remembered where I had parked next to a tree, but there were many trees. 

'No worry Skylar, if you find somewhere to sit and just chill for a while, people will clear out and you will find your car easily.' I told myself and found a bench outside of the stadium. I took a seat and found my phone from the bottom of my large leather bag. I pulled it out and put my headphones in and started Rihanna. I loved her work and I needed something to listen to instead of the screams and cries of young girls. 

I started playing solitaire and wasted a few minutes. 


I looked up from my screen and saw the parking lot to be almost bare. How long had I been sitting here? 

I glanced at my screen again and saw that it was eleven thirty. I had been sitting here for thirty minutes. Time flies when you have a good background noise and solitaire. I gathered my things, throwing my phone and headphones back into my bag and got up from the bench. 

I walked to the curb of the sidewalk the bench had been placed and looked around the almost spotless parking lot. 

I thought I had spotted my truck so I was just about to step off the curb, when a van sped past me and almost hit me. 

"Hey watch where you are going!" I yelled after it. I watched it as it parked and the driver got out. I saw and older man climb out of the front seat and open the back a bit, say something, and then shut the door. I didn't pay it too much attention while I walked to my truck, which i was now confident was mine. It was probably some father who was upset that his daughter had left something inside the stadium or something. 

I was now to my truck and opened the door. I placed my bag in the passenger's seat and climbed into the driver's seat. I pulled out of the parking spot and started driving out of the parking lot. When I passed the van, I noticed it shaking a little and decided to make sure everything was okay. There were so many storied floating out there about people leaving other people in cars and them dying, and there were plenty of kidnapping stories tied to vans, so I decided to make myself feel better about driving off, and checked it out. 

I just hoped this didn't relate to the stories of people doing 'it' in a van, because that would be awful. 

I shut the door to my truck and slowly walked over to the van. I stepped back to watch the van for a quick second to make sure it really was shaking and I hadn't just seen something. I saw the van move a little in its parked space and went to take a look inside one of the windows. 

I cupped my hands together and pushed my face against the glass a little. I didn't see anything at first, but there was a figure against the wall of the van on the other side. I strained my eyes to see what it was. Then I recognized a human head and trailed my eyes down the rest of the body. 

It moved again and this time, when it moved, I saw the face of the person inside. 

I gasped when I noticed the blond Irish boy I had a massive crush on was the figure laying on the floor, tied up. He locked eyes with mine for a split second and then he flicked his eyes up behind me and his eyes widened. 

He looked at me again and began to wiggle again. 

Was he trying to tell me something?

Then I felt the stone hand on my shoulder. 

"Find what you were looking for?" a deep scratchy voice asked me and I felt my knees weaken. I didn't know what to do. My pepper spray and phone where both in my bag and I was standing here defenseless. 

Then the man pushed me against the car, pushing himself against me. I was now wedged between the man and the car and I was starting to panic. I didn't have the parents that made me take karate, and I certainly don't know how to take anyone down. I was hopeless and I had no defense. 

But I did have a big mouth and that just seemed to make thing worse than better. 

"What are doing with him?" I asked and the man placed a hand in my hair and pushed my head against the glass of the window as he placed a cold and hard solid against my back. I swallowed hard as I realized it was a gun. 

"That is none of your business." the man said and I saw Niall inside of the van squirming, trying to release himself so he could help me. "Now you are going to do what I say." the man said tightening his grip on my hair and causing me to grit my teeth at the pain. 

I just nodded as well as I could. 

"Open the door." he said and I did what he said. I didn't know the door was open, otherwise this whole situation could have been avoidable. 

As I opened the door, Niall looked up at the man. 

"If you move boy, she gets it." he said and I just looked at Niall, not knowing what to do. "Now get in." the man said and I did. "Drink this." he said, handing me a bottle filled with a dusty looking water. I didn't know what was in the water, but I didn't think it would have gone over well if I asked, so I took a large gulp and then looked back at the man for further instruction. 

"Now I want you to give him some of the water." the man said and I looked over at Niall. I grabbed the cloth that was tied around his mouth and pulled it down. He didn't say anything and just looked at me. 

I mouthed 'sorry' before placing the bottle up to his pink lips and tilting it back. He took a long swallow and I removed the bottle. 

"Good girl." the man said and I felt sick to my stomach. "Now pull the cloth back up on him, and I want you to tie yourself up." the man said to me and I did as told. 

"Good, now just sit back and get to know each other." he said and then shut the door, laughing to himself. 

Held with Horan (a Niall Horan Fanifc)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum