Chapter 3: A Guy's Got to Eat

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The door to the basement closed and I was flung down into a chair in the kitchen of the house. So it was a house. Now I just needed to find out where, and find a way to get the news out. 

The man that took me up the stairs over his shoulder stepped aside and I saw the man that kidnapped me in the parking lot last night. At least I think it was last night. I wasn't really sure how long I had been out. 

The man pulled out a gun and I instantly froze. I was not good around guns and didn't know what to do. 

"Now if you cooperate, sweetheart, then this should be easy." he said and I swallowed hard. I hated the way he called me sweetheart. It was sickening. I didn't answer or comment and he took that as a sign to start. "Do you know why we took you?" he asked waving his gun around and pacing a little. A couple of other men appeared in the room and I noticed none of them where the man that had tackled Niall. I hoped he was okay. 

I shook my head in response. 

"Yes you do." the man said raising his voice a little. "I took you because you got in the way." he stated and I hoped he decided to keep me around for a while because I did not want to die like this. "You were being a little Nancy Drew and decided to check out the van." 

I just kept my gaze on him, trying to pay attention and see where he was taking this so I could answer like he wanted me to. I just wanted to make him think I was useful so I could be spared and hopefully help Niall. Then, I noticed that the man who tackled Niall came through the basement door. I hoped Niall was okay down there and I hoped I would be able to join him soon. 

"Now, here's the thing." the man said "I wanted to get rid of you, but it would just be a big waste." he said and he got closer. I heard some of the men in the back of the room laugh when I flinched when he came closer. "So, I kept you around for some fun." he took a pause and then started again. "Doesn't mean I won't get rid of you when I am done with you." he said and then turned to the men standing behind him. "Take her back down." he said to the man that just came back up from the basement. 

The tall man who had tackled Niall came over and grabbed me by the wrists and pulled me along to the basement door. When we reached it, he opened the door and pushed me onto the first couple of steps. I walked down the rest of them while he shut the door behind me. I was glad to be in here, instead of up there with the gin pointed at me. Just seconds before it could take my life. 

Then I remembered Niall and ran down the rest of the stairs in search for him. 

I found him against the back wall, curled up and sickeningly pale. 

"Niall?!" I screamed and ran to him. I collapsed on the ground next to him and started to shake him. He had to be okay. He was the one they wanted anyway. 

I kept shaking him and even slapped his face lightly a couple of times. Then he began to open his beautiful blue eyes. I cried out in happiness as he groaned. I pulled him up and into my neck, even though he lay on the floor. 

"Thank God you are okay." I said and rocked with him for a little bit. 

"Same to you." he said with a raspy voice. He needed water. We both did. I pulled back and saw him smiling. I also noticed a small coloring on his jaw. Nothing bad, just a little yellow. It would be gone in a few days. If we stayed around for that long. Don't think like that Skylar. 

"What did they do to you?" I asked him and he frowned. 

"That guy just hit me a few times, but I am fine. What about you? What is it like up there? How many were there?" he asked very quickly and I smiled a little. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2012 ⏰

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