Chapter 2: Against My Will

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I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. 

I was in some sort of dark room that was extremely dirty. The walls looked kind of wet and the floor had several cracks. I assumed it was the foundation. That could only mean that I was in the basement of some building. Great. (note the sarcasm)

Then I remembered the boy that I had been captured because of. Niall. 

I looked around next to me and I couldn't see him. 

"Niall?" I asked in the darkness. 

"Hmmm?" I heard a small sound coming from somewhere in the the distant darkness. I got up off of the cold and moist floor and went in search of him. It wasn't hard to find him, because there was basically nothing in the room. I found his body curled up and tied up.

Then the memory of what happened came flashing back. 


The older man had shut the door, leaving Niall and I in the back of the van. I turned to him and saw him looking back at me. I reached up and pulled the cloth down, off of his mouth, with my tied hands. 

"I'm so sorry." he said and I hushed him. 

"You did nothing." I told him. "You were in need and I wanted to help you. If anything, this is my fault for not reacting better." I looked down and frowned. 

"Hey, " he said and paused when he didn't know my name. 

"Skylar." I informed him. 

"Skylar, this is not your fault. It is neither of our faults. It is all this sick bastard's fault. He is the reason we are in this mess." he said and I looked back up to him. 

"What are we going to do?" I asked him and he tried to sit up. But as much as he tried, it was hopeless, so I helped him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and helped lift him so he could sit up. 

"I don't know." he said "Maybe we could call someone?" he said but it came out as a question. 

"I don't have my phone. I mean, I did, but it was in my bag, which I left in my bag, which I left in my truck to come check this van out." I said and I saw the little smidgen of hope he had in his eye vanish. But it was soon regained. 

"Hey, maybe someone will realize your missing and come looking for-" Niall started but I interrupted him by shaking my head and tuning around to face away from him. 

"I don't have anyone." I said quietly, almost a whisper. 

"Oh, well..." Niall started. "Then maybe someone will realize I have gone miss-" I interrupted him again. 

"Of course someone will notice your absence." I spat a little harsh probably. "You are Niall Horan. Global. Superstar." I didn't mean to be rude, I was just a little emotional and didn't know what to do. 

"Yeah..." he said quietly and just left it at that. 

I layed my head against the wall of the van and suddenly felt the weight of my head growing larger. Soon after resting my head, I began to drift off. Funny, I don't remember being tired. 


"Niall?" I said nudging his body a little. 

"Hmmmhmm." he said again this time, only a little bit louder. I knelt down in front of him and started undoing his binds, starting with the dirty cloth blocking his mouth. He watched me in silence as I continued untying him. I pulled at the knot that bonded his hands together. It eventually came undone, and I finished freeing him. 

"Thanks." he said, quietly, remembering my harshness from earlier. I wished I hadn't started this off badly. 

"Look, can we start over? I didn't mean to be rude or cruel." I asked. I looked into his eyes and he smiled a little. 

"I would love that." he said and I smiled. 

"Great, because we need to stay as positive as possible right now." I said and he agreed with a nod of his head. "So what do we do now?" I asked, sitting down and scooting against the wall, so I was sitting next to Niall. 

"I don't know." he said and ran his hands through his hair. He was obviously stressed out. I should be more stressed than him, simply because I have no one out there looking for me and he had every girl in the world looking for him. I could see the news titles now: Where's Horan? or Is Niall of One Direction Missing or Taking a Secret Break? or worse Has Niall Horan Been Taken? I could only imagine the press stories that were flooding the news stands. I also felt bad for the other four boys, who's career depended on this attractive and talented Irish boy. Although, I was sure they were more worried for his safety than their careers right now. 

"Where do you think we are?" I asked him taking another look around the room that I could now see better because my eyes had adjusted to the darkness. It was scarier when you could see the details of the dark room. It made it more real. At least in the dark, you didn't know what you faced, but now I could see the room for what it really was. A basement. 

"I don't know that either." he answered me. "I just remember drinking that water and feeling really sleepy. Then I woke up here." 

"Yeah, I think we were drugged." I said and looked over at him. He was sitting against the wall with his head back, pressed against the wall. 

"Me too." he said and looked over at me with his deep blue, paralyzing eyes. "I just hope this is over soon. I hope all they want is just money." after those words, he closed his eyes, in deep thought, and placed his head in his hands. I just layed down against the wall and closed my eyes. I didn't feel like sleeping, but I didn't know what else to do, so I couldn't help but drift off. 

But I couldn't help but think of Niall's words "I hope all they want is money." I kept saying it over and over, thinking about what he meant. Then I just agreed and slowly slipped into a sleep. Not a peaceful one, but better than where I was physically at the moment. 


I pulled out of my sleep violently. 

I woke with a sharp pain in my head. Someone had their hand in my hair, pulling me off the floor by my hair. I screamed in pain and called for Niall's name. Even though I had just met him, I felt like he would protect me. 

Niall was woken by my scream and reacted to my call by getting off the floor and coming after the man who had his hand in my hair, dragging me across the floor of the dreary basement. 

"Let go of her!" Niall yelled after him once he reached the man, who I realized was different from the one who had captured us in the first place. Niall punched the man in the jaw and he let loose of my hair. I fell to the ground and grasped my head in my hands, trying to comfort my pain. Niall punched the man again, but he was no match for the second man (also different) that had now come down the stairs into the basement. The second man punched Niall a couple of times, and then tackled him to the ground. 

"Stop!" Niall screamed as the first man grabbed me by the arms this time and started dragging me again. 

"Niall!" I screamed for him. My throat hurt because of my lack of water for who knows how long and my now high pitched screams. 

"Skylar!" Niall yelled for me and I saw his struggle underneath the man. I also saw the man punch him again. Then we reached the stairs and the man picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. I started kicking and slapping him, but he ignored it as if I was a gust of wind. 

"Let me go!" I yelled at him, but again he ignored it. 

The last thing I saw before leaving the basement, against my will, was Niall being pounded by the second man and him calling my name. 

I had wanted to leave the basement.

But not like this. 

Held with Horan (a Niall Horan Fanifc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang