3. One Thousand Years, Part Three

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                       1.8.18th Year of the JinLong Emperor

                           Yi-Wei (Year of the Wooden Goat)

The Imperial Palace of Wuyue sat atop Dingjia Mountain, rolling down towards the West Lake in the east. Because it was built on sloped terrain, Qian MingYue could overlook much of the Imperial Palace when he was at the highest point of the Palace of Lunar Serenity. He gazed out over the dozens of glazed rooftops of the many palaces and buildings that made up the much larger Imperial Palace, surrounded on all four sides by a high-rising, fortified outer wall. Both to Qian MingYue's left and right, steep mountainsides to the north and south crawled high into the sky, cradling the palace between them. Behind him, to the west, the inner palace sat further up, reaching towards the peak of Dingjia Mountain. Although from the top of the mountain, one could gaze upon the setting sun between the mountain peaks, Qian MingYue had never been to that part of the palace before. He had never seen the setting of the sun on the horizon. He could only ever watch the east, as the clouds danced orange and pink, and the sunlight reflected off the West Lake.

As the sky began to change colour, a frantic voice interrupted Qian MingYue's tranquility

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As the sky began to change colour, a frantic voice interrupted Qian MingYue's tranquility.

"MingYue Wangzi! MingYue WangzI!"

Qian MingYue sighed. It was Neili again.

The young eunuch burst through the doors of the terrace. "MingYue Wangzi! What are you doing standing out here? It takes about one ke* to get to the Hall of Harmony from here! The Norden prince will be received by sundown! You can't be late!"

Reality came back to Qian MingYue. The imperial family would be waiting at the Hall of Harmony to officially welcome the foreign envoy. Suddenly, Qian MingYue felt nervous. He spun to face Neili.

"Neili Huanguan, do I look okay?"

"Neili Huanguan, do I look okay?"

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Neili blinked in confusion. Qian MingYue had never asked that sort of thing before. Besides, he always looked okay, much better than "okay," in fact!

The eunuch suddenly felt his face become flushed at the question. "Ah...um...why would you need to ask that question, Dianxia? Heaven is always smiling upon the princes of Wuyue!"

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