Pit Stop

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    The three trolls came to a clearing in the forest; a perfect spot to camp. They unpacked their bags and built small fire to keep warm.

   Butterfly shoved her hand into her backpack. She continued to pull out quite the mountain of snacks. Branch started at her, confused and concerned. She glanced up, "I get hungry, alright".

   He held out his palms, meaning he was backing off, "You hungry Sparks? I think I have some extra rations in my pack" Branch glanced at the fangirl's food, "or you could bother Butterfly for something".

"I'm fine" she responded.

    Branch and Butterfly ate their dinner as Sparkles studied the map. They were settling down, ready to go to bed when the bushes rustled nearby.

"Jeez you guys gotta stop followin' me around" a voice said.

   The three snapped around to see a troll with a navy blue dress and heart headband. Their hair had been dyed yellow at the tips.

"Grace!" Butterfly sprang up and went to hug the troll.

"Oh no...not you again" Branch said, "stand back Butterfly, that crazy friend of hers could be anywhere".

"I wouldn't worry about her"Grace replied.

"Isn't your house in the opposite direction?" Sparkles stared at the map, confused.

"It was. But ever since me and Adelaide went separate ways I got a new place!".

"Sweet!" Butterfly cheered.

"But then where's Adelaide?" Branch asked, worried.

"Oh... a filthy witch took her. Before that she started hanging out with pedofiles and things got REALLY weird when I found out the witch was her cousin. Long story short I blocked her, but in real life".

   The three stood there, concerned, after hearing the story. "Well...can we stay at your new place tonight?" Butterfly asked.

"Oh no. Not after last time" Sparkles said.

"Ah come on Sparkles, if you ask me it sounds like Adelaide's long gone".

   Sparkles sat there thinking a while, wondering if she'd trust her instincts or the former friend of a drug dealer.

"I think it's a great idea!" Branch interrupted her thoughts.

"What?!" Sparkles watched her brother start packing up.

"Yeah, come on Sparks it'll be fun".

"Huh" she looked around at everyone, "Fine".

"Yay!" Butterfly scurried to get her belongings.


   The tea kettle whistled as Grace grabbed four mugs from the cabinets.

"Your new house is pretty nice" Butterfly remarked.

"Thanks. Please, have a seat" Grace gestured to the kitchen table, "would anyone like some tea?"

"No thanks" the siblings said.

"I'll have one!" Butterfly responded.

   Grace poured the tea into two of the mugs and sat with the others, "so, what brings you to my neck of the woods?"

"Well" Butterfly started, "um, do you wanna tell her Branch?"

"Oh, well...you remember Poppy right?" Branch asked.

"The queen? Yes" Grace sipped their tea.

"Well uh...earlier this month we got engaged".

"Oh how fun!"

"And then..." he hesitated, "she hasn't been her self lately and we're afraid it might be some kind of evil spirit possessing her".


"Is there anything else you wanna tell her?" Butterfly asked.

Branch glanced at Sparkles, "Nope. That's about it" he chuckled nervously.

   Butterfly was confused at a Branch. He didn't tell Grace about Poppy's pregnancy. She was gonna say something but decided to keep quiet.

"So we're on our way to a nearby village to meet someone who can help" Sparkles chimed in.

"Ah, So you're on your way to Trollburg?" Grace finally said.

"Have you been their before?" Branch asked.

"It's the biggest Troll city in the area".

"Like New York?!?" Butterfly asked excitedly.

"Where the heck is that?" Branch asked.

"It's a made up place in a book I read. It's full of these tall buildings called skyscrapers and underground trains!".

"I guess you could call a subway that" Grace said.

"Are there subways in Trollburg???" Butterfly leaned over the table.

"My dear, there's everything in Trollburg".

Sorry it's been taking so long to update. Schools been taking up all my time and play rehearsals just started at my school so I've been busy.

I hope you liked this new chapter! Till next time.

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