Chapter 2

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Eva's P.O.V

This  head of mine is gonna burst any moment now!

The guy sitting on the chair turns to face me.

And then I see his face....

"Okay." The guy replies. (flashback)

He's the guy from my flashback! What? Am I dreaming? Why am even having these weird flashbacks? What the fuck is happening?

"Jessica?" He came near me and held me by my shoulders.

"Um... I am not any Jessica, I'm Eva.." I replied, feeling really dizzy, almost like I was about to faint.

All those pictures of me a with him in his room were giving me a major headache, I have never felt this way. This confuse and lost.

"Jessica, what happened to you? why are you saying you're 'Eva'? Don't you remember me? I am Trystan. Your boyfriend from high school's junior year..." It was like as if he was about to cry.

"What? Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" I asked the guy who was my supposed lab partner. 

"Ah, I'm Trying. Hello, nice to meet you. Thank you, now shut up, will you?" Trystan, my  new  supposed lab partner's supposed name, said.

"Rude..." I pouted and he smiled lightly. Damn. That smile.(flashback)

"I am  Eva fucking... Ross.." Were my last words before I fainted.


Trystan's P.O.V

I heard my room's door knob click while I was sitting on my desk and trying to study.

Without turning around I knew it that it's either Austin or Rose.

Probably came here to irritate me even when they know I don't like people coming in my dorm but they never listen.

They say that it's for my betterment only. Interacting with people will help me be happy.

Like the fuck I want to be happy.

I swear to god, I feel like they both are 60 years old stuck in their young youth bodies.

"What the fuck?"


That's sound so familiar. No.... Is that? Am I daydreaming again?

I turn around only to find Jessica standing there.

How is this happening? Is this even for real? No way!

Okay, yeah maybe Austin was right. I really need to consult a therapist..

But wait is that really Jessica? She seems so real or maybe she is real. Great, now I am having her visions too.

Jessica?"  I stood up from  a my chair and went near her and held her by the shoulders.

She's real. I'm not dreaming. I can touch her. she. is. real!

"Um... I am not any Jessica, I'm Eva.." she replied weakly.

Eva? What?

I have so many questions at the moment. But one stands out, 'Why is she calling herself Eva?'

I never thought it will be so confusing meeting her again.

"Jessica, what happened to you? why are you saying you're 'Eva'? Don't you remember me? I am Trystan. Your boyfriend from high school's junior year..." I so badly hope she remembers me.

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