Smalls' #GirlsiesUnite

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Hey, Newsies! It's ya goil, Smalls!!! I'm he-ah ta do the #GirlsiesUnite dat Dime told me 'bout.

Ise so happy dat us newgoils finally get a say in dis woild! Ya know, since Ise was told ta be quiet at da Rally (I'm lookin' at youse, Sean Thomas Conlon).

Anyways, he-ah it is!

1) Who Is Your Newsboy?
My newsboy is Henry.

2) What Do You Like About Him?
Ise love his courage, smile, eyes.........Ise just love him! I don't really know what ta pin on him.

3) What Does He Like About You?
Henry- Brooklyn? Oh my God, Ise don't know where ta start! She's so beautiful (as a Newsie or on our dates, she's drop dead gorgeous!), smart, and she has guts fo' everythin'!

Ise mean, she spoke at da Rally, and da fellas told her ta shut up, but that didn't stop her. She's so brave and detormined and spunky, Ise just lucky ta have her as my newsgoil.

4) How Did You Meet?
Ise was walkin' back to da Sun, when I saw Henry fightin' off dese goons. He was gettin' hurt pretty bad, so Ise went ova and helped him. My hair was in my cap, so, I looked like a boy.

One of da goons knocked me to da ground, and Henry went and knocked 'em out. He came back over and saw dat I was a goil. Ise mean, he didn't treat me different or nuttin', but, it was still embarrassin'.

Anyways, the next day, I saw 'em, and he took me out ta Central Pawk fo' a picnic. It was real nice, 'n' we've together since.

5) How Long Have You Been Together?
Wes been togetha for almost 2 ye-ahs now.

6) Couple Song?
Henry- Now, I've had da time of my life! And, Ise never felt dis way before.

Oh, Henry! Ya don't have ta sing it! (Laughs)

7) Future Plans?
Wes want ta get married when wes olda. Henry wants ta move to upstate New Yawk and get a cottage to raise a family.

Henry- Ise want da best for my goil! (kisses Smalls)

Ise love ya, too, baby.

8) Why Do You #GirlsiesUnite?
Cause wes newsgoils need ta take a stand and sing our song, too! Da Gilrises are takin' their seat at da table, and wes deserve ta be respected like da fellas!

So, thanks goils for dis! Ise enjoyed it a lot! Ise glad ta see Goilsies takin' their stand!


See ya late-a, aligate-a! 😘

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