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"Axl! Axl wake up!"

I felt Steven jumping up and down on me, but I can't find myself to be annoyed for very long. When I opened my eyes, I saw the most beautiful bright blue orbs staring back at me, a mere inches from my face. I let out a small yell at Steven's close proximity. Steven jumped off of me to share why I had such a rude awakening.

"Duff made pancakes, I came to get you before they get cold, I made sure to save you some!" Steven said excitedly.

'That's so sweet of him..." I think.

"I'll be down in a minute." I replied.

Steven left and I threw on some boxers and a t-shirt, and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I come downstairs to find a stack of six warm pancakes on a plate in front of my usual seat.

"Thanks Popcorn!" I called out to somewhere in the house as I quickly sat down to get started.

"Welcome!" He called back.

I dumped a whole bunch of syrup and powdered sugar onto the stack, making sure it was on top of every single pancake. I cut into the delicious stack and stuffed my mouth. Izzy walked in and grabbed a plate for some pancakes as well. He followed suit with powdered sugar and syrup.

"Me, Duff and Slash are headin' out tonight, Stevie said he's staying home. You wanna go?" Izzy asked.

"Nah, think I'll stay home and keep ol' Popcorn company."

'This is my chance!' I think to myself."

"Alright, well, have fun babysitting!" I snorted at the jest towards Steven's childishness.

"We're actually all going to head out shopping before we go out and Steven said he'd go," Izzy suggested, "Maybe you and Stevie can have some quality couples bonding time." He said with a sly smirk.

"You little shit! You know, don't you?" I say, playfully hitting Izzy, all the while Izzy was grinning around his cigarette, fending me off.

"It's not that hard to tell."

"Ah shit, Stevie knows doesn't he?" I ask.

"You think Stevie knows? He's too oblivious to literally everything." Izzy deadpans.

"Yeah you're right." I admit.

We continued eating our breakfast, before Izzy gets up to go get ready. I go up to my room once I'm finished eating to throw on black leather pants, a loose tank top and my usual jewelry. I made sure my nipple piercing was visible, in effort to gain the attention of the blonde. I go back downstairs to meet the rest of the gang to head out. I catch Steven's gaze for a quick second, before looking away.

"Let's go fuckers!" Yelled Slash, obviously drunk or shitfaced.

We left the hell house and walked to the sunset strip. The first store we went in was a little record store. There was about 20 different rows of shelves, each about five feet tall. We walk through about half the shop until we finally reach the rock section. Izzy points out a Mötley Crüe record and we have a quick laugh before continuing. We buy a bunch of new music, including Queen, Aerosmith and Alice Cooper. Walking down the strip, Slash got sidetracked.

"Oh look it's a pet store! Let's go in, please?" He begged Izzy.

We all collectively sighed, before we let Slash go check out the cool reptiles. He walked around a bit before he saw this one snake.

"Look. At. Him." He said in absolutely awe.

"Not happening!" I practically yell.

"But Axl, just look at him!"

"What's his name?" He asked the store manager.

"His name is Clyde." Said the very bored man.

"I think I'll provide a very good home for him." Slash said, handing over the amount due. Everybody groans as the man take the snake gently out of its terrarium and into a carrying case. We all exit the shop and walk a bit more before we come across a music equipment store. Izzy and Slash start looking at picks and Duff finds a few basses he likes, while I stalk subtly follow Steven.

"Dude look at these!" Steven points out a pair of drumsticks to me.

They were white with red roses and vines near the bases. He walks off to look at some other stuff, but little does Steven know, I buy them. We walk back from the sunset strip after spending the entire day there. I walk up to me and Steven's room and set them on Stevie's bed. I run back downstairs to go see Steven. I find him watching tv.

"Hey Stevie." I greet him.

"Hi Axl! Did you have fun shopping?" He asked.

"Yeah. Didn't get anything for myself, though. I think I saw something on your bed, you should go see." I suggest.

Steven ran up to see what was there, and came running down with the drumsticks just thirty seconds later.

"Thank you so much Axl!" He said with the biggest grin on his face. I smirk lightly, unable to hide my smile at his expression and the fact of making Steven so happy.

'He is just so goddamn cute!'

Steven came over to hug me, but when he did I got really nervous, but hugged back anyway.

"Stevie there's something I gotta tell you..." I say warily.

"Yeah?" Steven asked confused but still grinning.

'Oh god I can't say it without freaking out.' I can't find any words to say, so I just go for it...

There was a silence.

'Shit...' I didn't kiss him, I pecked his nose. I completely missed in all my goddamn nervousness. I quickly back away embarrassed before Steven could say anything.

"Axl wait!" Steven called out, but I was already panic-sprinting to my room that I share with Steven.

I run inside and lock the door before Steven can get in. I lay down on Steven's bed for a while, for how long, I have no fucking clue. Probably 40 minutes or at least half an hour. I hear a rustling by the door. I look towards it, and see a note slide underneath. I go over to check it.

"Axl, if you like me that's okay, I like you too. I'm sorry you got so embarrassed over that. When you're ready to come out, I'll be waiting.

I reread the note five more times before I decide I'm ready to face him again. I set the note down on my nightstand, and then open the door. Steven must have been leaning against it, because suddenly he was laying on his back in the doorway, a big grin on his face.

"Hi Stevie." I say nervously, scratching at my neck. I sit down above Steven's head, leaning over him.

"I'm sorry I just ran off like that..." I apologize.

"It's okay, you were scared I was gonna reject you. It's completely fine, I understand." Steven said softly.

We gazed into each others eyes before I slowly lean down and touch my lips to his. Our kiss was soft and sweet, and very tender and emotional. When I pull away, catching my breath, we just stare at each other a bit more in adoration.

"Do you wanna go cuddle?" Steven asks me.

"Yeah." I reply tiredly.

We get up onto my bed and I wrap himself around Steven. Our breathing soon got even and heavy, as we drifted off in each other's embrace.

This World Isn't For Us: A Staxl FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now