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Salutations, Good Eggs! And happy birthday to one izzysleatherpants ! This chapter is dedicated to you. I hope you like the depressingness!


I blinked warily, adjusting to the harsh, white lights. My head hurts like a truck ran over it. I wait a minute before I open my eyes, the lights were making my headache worse. I reach up with my arm to rub my face, but then I feel something in my arm and I open my eyes to see an IV in my vein. I feel a sickly chill feeling run through me and suddenly I was too scared to move my arm, let alone my entire body too much.

'Oh my god, there's a needle in my arm why the fuck is there a needle in my arm somebody PLEASE get it the fuck out!'

I was internally panicking about the needle in my arm I didn't even notice my heart monitor beating faster and faster as doctors and nurses came rushing in to check on me. I see the figures and I don't pay attention as they shine a light in my eyes and check everything. I quickly grab one of the doctor's hands to keep him away, I don't want to be touched by anyone right now and I feel crowded.

"Mr. Adler, please calm down. Now that you're awake we'll call in your friends. We had to send them home." He explains in a calm manner.

I nod and wait anxiously for- wait... who? I take the time to take in everything around me. The constant beeping of the heart monitor, the bandage wrapping my head, the pressure of it's clamp on my finger, the feeling of the needle in my-

'Nope, I refuse to think about that.'

Instead I focus on the quiet sound of the little tv in the corner of the room, hung up on the ceiling. I notice the little tv remote on the nightstand next to the bed and I reach over for it. Then I notice it. The tiny cast around my left pinky. I couldn't help but giggle at how small an injury it is. People then rush through the door.

"Oh my god, he's okay!" A tall man with blonde hair runs over and hugs me.

"Hi...?" I say quietly.

"Hey, how are you doing, Steven?" A tanned man with black, curly hair asks.

"I'm fine... but who are you? And who's Steven?" I ask them as politely as I can. Both the blonde and the curly haired men gaped at me, while a dark haired man stared oddly.

"Well, um... you're Steven. We're your band mates. Don't you remember us? Surely you're just pulling our legs." The tall man nervously laughs.

"No, I seriously don't remember any of you or myself for that matter." I speak quietly. They looked to each other, maybe hoping for an answer within someone's eyes but then look away defeatedly. A doctor then walks in.

"I'm sorry but it seems Mr. Adler has amnesia. With a bit more testing we'll be able to know if he can recover from this." He says solemnly.

"How much would it cost to keep him here, though? We... we might not be able to afford it..." The curly haired man speaks up. The doctor brings over a medical bill. Their eyes all bulge out of their skulls and speak quietly, as to make sure I don't hear.

'But why though?'

They glance over to me with concerned faces and look back at the doctor, who then orders nurses the disconnect me from the machines. I look away and hold my breath as they take the IV out of my arm. Suddenly I'm lifted out of my bed by nurses and into a wheelchair even though my legs are just fine. I am wheeled out of the room and through the hallway, until we get to a desk.

"We are checking out Adler, Steven from room 207."

The receptionist nods and smiles politely at me, and begins typing at her big blocky computer. They wheel me to what must be a changing room and hand me a pile of what must be my clothes. I enter the room and unfold them, looking at what I must have been wearing before what happened to get a glimpse at the kind of person I was before. A white Motörhead T-shirt, and blue jeans strategically ripped at the knees.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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