A Twist

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Steven and I hop into the car and drive to my personal hideaway. Frankly, it was a bit awkward, so I cranked up the radio to what was on. Oh, what a coincidence.

"I've seen everything imaginable
Pass before these eyes
I've had everything that's tangible
Honey you'd be surprised
I'm a sexual innuendo
In this burned out paradise
If you turn me on to anything
You better turn me on tonight"

A laugh bubbles out of Steven's chest at the familiar song. He gently grabs a hold of my hand and I intertwine my fingers with his, gazing into his eyes for a quick second before taking them back to the road. Don't want to get into an accident less than a day into this relationship. That would suck colossally.

The sun gleams through the windshield as I tuck on my aviators. I put Steven's sunglasses on his face as I notice him squinting.

"Don't let the sun damage those beautiful blue eyes, Stevie." I say, brushing his hair out of his face. He leans into my touch, and we pull into the parking lot of my favorite arcade.

"Welcome to my favorite place in L.A. Well, besides the Hell House, of course."
I present to him.

"So this is where you're going all the time, no wonder why nobody can find you." Steven mentions.

"Yeah, it was my secret hide away but I thought, you being my boyfriend, I should share it with you." I say as I grab the bag of quarters I keep in my car for this occasion.

"Let's go." I open the car door and almost taken off my feet when Stevie suddenly grabs me and tries to drag me faster to the arcade.

"C'mon Axl, let's go, there's so many cool games!"

I can't help but chuckle at my boyfriends excitement towards the arcade. We open the front doors and view the slightly dim area, somewhat lit by the screens. Steven makes his way towards a forgotten looking AC/DC pinball machine.

"Hey Rosie, can you get me a quarter, please?" He asks.

"Yeah, sure." I roll my eyes at the nickname and grab a quarter from the small, blue drawstring pouch and hand it to him.

He inserts the coin into the slot and he pulls the ball shooter to launch the silver ball. It shoots out into the playing zone and Steven is already at the top of his game. The ball flys around the machine.

As the ball makes its way back down to the flippers, and like instinct, Steven smashes the button. Quick as lightning, zoom, the silver ball speeds straight for Hells Bell.

"Wow, Steven, I had no idea you were so good at pinball!" I exclaimed, patting his shoulder as he finished up the game.

"Yeah, Slash and I used to play arcade games all the time when we were younger." He says.

"I didn't get the chance to play games when I was younger. My stepfather didn't like it." I reply sullenly.

Steven suddenly looked very put off and I immediately regret bringing it up. I quickly change the subject.

"But ever since I got to L.A. I've had lots of practice with claw machines." I say.

"Really?" His face immediately brightened and we walk over to the resident claw machine of the arcade. I spot a Starchild plushie sitting directly on top of the jumbled mess of other plushies. I get two more quarters for the machine and insert them, the game starting.

"The trick is to quickly check both the front and the side of the machine." I say as I lined up the claw from the front over the plushie, and then I do the same on the side so the claw was directly above. I make little adjustments from how the plushie is positioned. I press the button and the claw drops down to perfectly grab the Starchild plushie, and drop it into the hole.

I grab the plushie from the slot and hand it to Steven with a grin. The pure joy on his face is enough to make my heart swell with pride.

"Thank you Axl! It's so cute. Although you need to stop giving me all these gifts." He says.

"But I want to, I love giving you things." I say.

"Alright, but let me get you something at some point, then." He counters.

Steven goes over to the racing game and I hand him another quarter from the pouch. He uses the steering wheel to pick a car. The game starts after he picks the track and I wonder over to a different game.

I insert a quarter into Donkey Kong and begin to climb the ladders. I grabbed the hammer and began to smash the barrels. One rogue barrel came down and killed my dude. I was never any good at that game. I went back to Steven, only to see he's not there anymore.

"Steven? Where did you go?" I called. He was no where to be found. I was about to walk over to the guy at the counter, only to be spooked by a surprise hug from behind. I yelled in shock and turned around only to find Steven with the biggest grin on his face.

"You motherfucker! You scared the shit out of me! Twice! First, I didn't know where you went, then you just sneak up on me!" I shout.

"Well, I'm so glad you care about me that much." He says with a sly smirk.

"You little sh-" The counter guy gave me a nasty look. "Hey, how about we go get some ice cream, Stevie?" I ask.

"Hell yeah! Ice cream!" He exclaims, running out to the car. I follow after him, got in the car and buckled up. After all, you should always buckle.

"Stevie, buckle up." I tell him.

"Oh you're no fun!" He says.

"Breaking your face in an accident is no fun." I quickly reply.


We drive to his favorite ice cream parlor that makes everything themselves. I order him a flavor that has a whole bunch of chocolate fudge, peanut brittle and caramel chunks in it while I order myself plain salted caramel... with rainbow sprinkles. We sit back in our car, sitting awkwardly and licking our ice cream. I finally break the silence.

"When we get back, do you want to ask the others if they want to go out tonight? Preferably to a bar?" I ask.

"Yeah I'd love to! I've been dying to go out." He whines.

"Have you now?" I tease.

He just gives me a pout, and I laugh as I pull out of the parking lot and drive home. I notice the stars coming out, although not that many from the city lights. They're so beautiful. Just like Stevie's eyes. I get lost in my own little world as I stare in his eyes, I barely notice the other lights speeding towards us.

"AXL!" I hear Steven cry.

Everything happens too fast for me to process. The next time my eyes open, I see red and blue lights in the distance, getting closer. Everything is blurry. There's glass everywhere, red and chrome. I'm now on the tar of the road, on my stomach. Then I remember Steven. I frantically look around for him and I just barely notice him, his eyes closed, laying on his back. Then I notice the semi-steady breathing, his chest rising and falling as my eyes shut once more, accepting the oblivion knowing Steven's not gone.

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