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Vega thought she had been hallucinating when she saw the boy himself be scooped under his father's arm, more than a thousand cheers echoing throughout Berk. She watched the boy with glimmering eyes and a full heart. Astrid punched her shoulder with a snicker, making her glare.

"Alright!" Tuffnut pointed towards him, "Horrendous Hiccup fought a dragon and lived!"

Memories rolled back into Vega's mind at his words, remembering when Hiccup had been attacked by a dragon and saved by his father, quickly announcing that he had knocked down a Night Fury over Ravens Point. No one had believed him, not a single person had thought that Hiccup could have ever managed to shoot down a dragon, but they had all been incredibly wrong. He had knocked down a Night Fury, and he had become a hero, but for a different reason. He had united humans and dragons.

Hiccup had changed Berk.

Rolling her eyes when Ruffnut sent her brother a fist and told him that she had always believed he could do it and that he was her soulmate dragon tamer, Vega pushed past the two with a firm shove, smiling tightly when the girl complained and whined. Astrid rose a brow and scoffed a laugh, letting the brunette take lead of the group as they made their way to the crowd forming at the top of the hill.

"So, what do you think?" Stoick raised an arm out to the village they had renovated while he was out, drawing even more attention to them.

"Hey, look!" A villager called out, "It's Hiccup!"

A collective cheer of the boys name echoed across Berk, his cheeks blushing a deep red. Vega smiled at this and looked back at the teenagers behind her, all of them holding the exact same look.

"Turns out all we needed was a little more of-" Hiccup frowned when his father signalled to his frame, an usual turn of events. "-this."

"Uh- dad?" He furrowed his brows and took a step back, his metal leg tapping upon the rock. His father nodded for him to continue, a strong smile upon his face that Hiccup hadn't seen since he was young. It was full of pride. "You just gestured to all of me."

Stoick nodded as Gobber pushed past, shrugging his shoulders jokingly. He pointed down to his leg, "Well, most of you. That bit's my handiwork with a little Hiccup flair thrown in. You think it'll do?"

Hiccup took a moment to peer down at it, twisting his leg back and forth and shrugging his shoulders. It was then that the group had finally reached the crowd, each pushing past the Vikings that surrounded them until they were at the very front. Vega rose a brow as Hiccup pursed his lips and looked back up at Gobber with a smile, "I might make a few tweaks."

As the crowd laughed, the girl found herself stumbling forward when Astrid gave her a push, now in the centre of the crowd and right behind the boy she had grown to like. She sent the blonde a venomous glare as the other teens laughed, frowning as she figured what she should do next.

Acting casual, Vega took in a breath before punching Hiccup's shoulder, causing him to groan. He whirled around and frowned at her, holding the limb.

"That's for scaring me." She spoke the familiar words and jabbed him in the stomach, trying to fight the smile off of her face. He hunched foreword and sighed, "That was for nearly dying."

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