part 1

303 4 2

(A/n: this all takes place in Busan)

"Let's go Yoongi" I begged while pulling his arm. "No I'm tired, let me sleep for once" Yoongi said in an angry tone. "Fine I will be back soon" I said as I was walking out the apartment.

My name is Park Jimin.
I'm 16 years old and my boyfriend is Min Yoongi, he is 18 years old.

"Hurry up Jiminie" Namjoon said. "Okay okay I'm coming" I said while rushing to his car. "What took you so long?" Hoseok asked. "Oh I was trying to convince Yoongi to join us" I said while looking out the window. "Don't worry Jiminie he's going to be okay" Jin said while patting my shoulder. I just nodded in response.


"c'mon Jiminie let's go dance with the others" Jin begged. "No I'm okay, go have fun with the others, someone has to drive" I said while drinking some of my apple juice. "Okay, don't drink to much" Jin said while laughing a bit and walking towards the others. As I sat by the bar next to other people that were probably crying over some break up or fight with their significant other, I was just here....sitting. All because I don't want to dance.

"Do you want another drink sir"
"Sure another cup of apple juice please" I said while handing the bartender my cup. He didn't look bad and I felt like I meet him before. "Do I know you..." I asked. "I don't think so, I just started working here just a few days ago" he said. "Oh never mind then" I said while drinking my juice.
I know its probably ridiculous to drink juice at a bar but I'm not a huge fan of alcohol. The others even told me it's okay for me to drink too and that I shouldn't worry about them. I mean I know that we can always order a taxi if we all get wasted but I'm just not a huge fan of drinking. As I watched other people having fun and some making out with their partners, I started thinking of Yoongi. And...that text.....

"Bartender can you give me a shot of vodka" I begged. I really didn't want to think about all my problems right now. "are you sure" he asked. "Yes I'm positive" I said. I felt like crying at that moment but I knew I would be like the other people around me.

30 minutes later
"PlEaSe SíR oNe MoRe" I begged. I really don't remember how many drinks I had but I really didn't care. "No sir you had to much" he said. "UgH I'm FiNe, i JuSt NeEd To FoRgEt" I said while trying to get my cup. "Where are you friends you can't be out this late at night alone" he said.
"I dOn'T kNoW, cAn YoU pLeAsE tAkE mE hOmE" I begged. I felt like falling asleep, just to escape reality.

Bartender pov
"Sir, are you still awake" I asked. I couldn't believe on the first few days of work, I'm going to help someone. All I hope that this kid is no psychopath because I don't need that right now.

My name is Kim Taehyung. I'm 16 years old. I just moved to Busan from Seoul all because of one girl. I really don't want to think about it right now though.

"Yoongi!" he cried out. "Don't cry, I will take you home" I said while putting his arm around my neck. I tried to wake him out the bar but he started to cry more. "What did I do wrong, I'm a horrible person" he started crying out. This isn't new to me but this guy looks like he is dying inside. As I carried him to my car and sat him down in the passenger seat, he started to calm down. "" he said after he stopped talking and sleeping peacefully. "Wait please wake up, I need you to tell me where you live first" I begged. Ugh just what I needed. The reason why I moved here was so I can be away from a crazy person and not to deal with drama. What am I suppose to do, I don't know where this kid lives and I really don't want to take him to some place where he might not know where he is. As I was just sitting down thinking what I can do I start to stare at his face. I didn't realize how cute he was. He had the most cutest eyes, his hair was messy but it made him look more cuter. Something inside was telling that I know him from somewhere but I wasn't sure. "I'm...sorry" he said. "Don't leave me....please" he cried out. "Hey it's ok..." I said while patting his head. His hair was so soft, I couldn't stop myself from playing with it a bit.

After a few minutes of just staring at him and playing a bit of his hair, I realized that I could check his wallet. "Omg why didn't I think this sooner, I could have been home by now" I whispered angrily to myself. As I was looking for his wallet I was trying not to walk him up. He looked so peaceful, something inside was telling me to just cuddle with him and keep close but I really didn't know why.

Once I found his wallet I found his school ID. "Huh, he's goes to the school that I'm going to tomorrow" I whispered to myself. While looking through his wallet I found a address.

"Huh, why do I feel like I've heard of this name before" I said to myself. It doesn't really matter, I found his address and I'm taking him home.

After a few minutes I finally arrived to his home but once I looked out it was an apartment. "Well great how am I supposed to know what floor he lives in" I angrily said while hitting my head on steering wheel. After a few more minutes of thinking, I notice that he was slowly waking up. "Where am I" he said while looking around. "At your apartment" I said. He look so cute with his messy hair. "Oh thank you for taking me home, how much should I pay you" he said while looking for his wallet. "Oh no no no, you don't have to pay, I just wanted to help you" I said. "Oh...okay" he said while putting his wallet away. " can join me for lunch whenever your free" I said while holding his hand. I noticed that he started to blush and so did I. I don't know why I decided to hold his hand but I did. "s-sure" he said. "Okay here's my phone number" I said while giving him a card. "o-okay"

●●●●To be continued●●●●

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