We're in WATTPAD?!?!? Chapter 1

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🐺Sorrow's POV🐺
As I got a message from my friend SilverFirePaw as I tapped it and the screen turned orange as I was blinded by a bright flash of light when the brightness faded it was in a white room with text on the ground like it was a page in a book...

🐆Kahinoya POV🐆
I got a message from my friend SilverFirePaw as I tapped it and the screen turned orange as there was a blinding flash of light and when the light subsided I see Sorrow and I looking like our OC's in Sorrow's comics as there was another blinding flash as SilverFirePaw and Lucas Ice Storm appeared looking like their OC's too.

🐱Silver's POV🐱
"Where am I?" As I see that Sorrow, Kahinoya, and Lucas are here too. As I say " Sorrow? Kahinoya? Lucas? What are you all doing here? " As Kahinoya looked at me and replied "I was about to ask you the same question... First thing I opened your message on Wattpad then all of a sudden I'm teleported here. What did you do to us Silver?!?!?!" I replied while holding up my hands in resignation "I don't know, I didn't do anything! Why you blaming me for something I didn't do..." Sorrow said " but if it wasn't you then who was it? " as evil sorceress Eris appeared out of nowhere as I exclaimed while pointing at her " IT'S YOU!!! " Kahinoya said "Silver... You know who that is?" I replied " yes she's the villain in one of my stories! " Eris replied "My name is Eris and I've trapped all of you here and the only way to get out of to travel through your stories and finish them." As she opened a portal under our feet and we fell in...

🐱Still in Silver's POV🐱
As I woke up. Sorrow, Lucas, And Kahinoya were awake as I said "Is everyone ok?" Sorrow said "I'm ok... I think." Kahinoya said "I'm fine." Lucas just gave a big thumbs up. As we got up and looked around as we saw two people running up to us as I helped Sorrow up as we looked around and we saw this strange creature in front of us as I blasted him with fire ( because my OC has the element of fire) as the creature was destroyed. As the one of the two people ran up to us and one of them said "you ok? Are any of you hurt?" As I said while looking around and said     " no...we're ok" as I looked at them and said "Rallen? Jeena?" The girl asked "how do you know our names?"

Since I'm terrible at explaining stuff... I had no clue how I was going to tell them, Their characters in my story, so I kinda lied and said "that I've heard a lot about you two" they weren't flattered or surprised... Jeena replied "oh ok." As Rallen asks "what are your names?" I answered " I'm Silver, that's Lucas, that's Sorrow, and this is Kahinoya. " as Jeena says "well now we're formally acquainted... We got to get back to our mission." as they walked right past us and they were about 4 ft. away from us, I stopped them in their tracks by saying "Is there any way we can help?" After a few seconds of silence Jeena looked back at us and "we could all the help we can get."
As I looked at Sorrow and the others, Lucas did a thumbs up but Sorrow and Kahinoya looked at me with half closed eyes like they were scolding me for what I just said but I whispered to them "Hey do you want to get out of here?...... This has to be way to get out of Wattpad..." After Kahinoya and Sorrow looked at each other then back at me as Sorrow scoffed and said "Fine..." while rolling her eyes at me. As we all walked over to join Rallen and Jeena.

🐺Sorrow's POV🐺
To be honest.... Both me and Kahinoya weren't too pleased about what Silver just dragged us into... but since this is HER story so we kinda have no other choice...

🐨Lucas's POV🐨 (he's saying this in his head)
I'm totally ok with. This it's gotta be the way out of here, It had to be...

🐱Silver's POV🐱
We followed Rallen and Jeena through this uneven dirt path in the forest. The path steeping down farther and farther... As I asked them "so what's this mission you two are on?" Rallen said   "One of our best friends, Emily had been captured by Krux, her biological dad who is also the High Krawl, he's keeping her in a hidden facility somewhere in this forest..." I remembered this.... This was the part I had left off at in my story (this was when it wasn't including us even though Emily was basically me in story) I could tell that Rallen was looking confident that Emily would be ok and unharmed, while Jeena was the one who was worried about her. As we approached a clearing that was concealed by the trees. There were three sets of footprints in front of us.... the one in middle were imprints of someone wearing hiking boots the other other two were imprints of someone wearing flats. Rallen bent down to examine them as said while getting back up "they came through here" as I went a little bit ahead and said "Hey you two should come take a look at this..."

They walked over and saw that the person who was wearing hiking boots must of fell into their hands and knees probably from exhaustion and the other two people picked her up and pushed her and told her to keep moving.... As Jeena said while using this scanner she had attached to her wrist "they definitely came this way...." As Rallen says "come on! They must not be far!" As we ran following the trail of footprints, once we reached another concealed clearing Kahinoya put her hands on her knees and was panting as she said "let's take a breather .... please ........gah .....curse my asthma." As Jeena said "we don't have to......... We're here."

As Kahinoya looked up to see the Facility's Metal door as Rallen charged at it as he said " It won't budge " as I said   " STAND BACK!" As I melted the door with my fire power as the door melted till we had a big enough opening we could get into... As we walked through the chambers until we reached a large room with Emily imprisoned in a clear turquoise colored tube as Krux was there and he said "HaHaHa your too late!" As he pushed a button on his remote as the tube started draining Emily's Krawl Powers as Emily fell into her knees with her hands on the tube and she said in a weak voice "Help me...Rallen" As Rallen ran over to her and put his hands right up against hers and said "Hang on Emily. We're going to get you out!" As Emily said in a weak voice " Please hurry.... " as she collapsed to the ground as I said "Rallen... stand back!" As he stepped out of the way as I said to the others "everyone ready" as I blasted a hole into the tube as I said " Sorrow now! " as Sorrow grabbed Emily with her vines as Jeena said "the tube it's still draining Emily's Krawl Powers!" As I said " Lucas! It's time to freeze! " as Lucas sealed the hole with thousand year ice as Sorrow laid Emily down as Rallen ran over to her and sat on his knees and shook her twice while saying "Emily? Emily!" As she started groaning quietly while shaking her head back and forth as her eyes slowly opened and said "Rallen? Jeena?" As Rallen hugged her and said "Emily! Your ok!" As a blue portal opened a few feet away from us as I looked at Rallen and Jeena and said "well looks like that's our ticket out of here..." Rallen and Jeena looked at us and Rallen said "maybe we'll see you guys again one day" I said "probably.... (In her head: I hope not.... This was way too awkward for me)" as I waved goodbye to Rallen and Jeena and I jumped through the portal, Kahinoya said "bye." Sorrow said "goodbye." and Lucas just waved goodbye and walked through the portal.

To Be Continued in Part 2....

The Wattpadders (Inspired By Dusty_Tri's Story Called The Wattpadders)Where stories live. Discover now