Chapter 1.5 while in the portal

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🐱Silver's POV🐱
While In the portal I was a glimpse of something strange in a flash of light I saw myself on my computer (back in my human form and all) as she (or me) took a sigh of relief and said "Done. I finished my story." As the flash of light faded and the ground came out of nowhere and I fell flat on my face... I got up and we were back in the room we were before we got sent into my story. As Eris was in the room with us and said while slow clapping "well done... you finished a story too bad there are plenty more where that from.... But I'll give you a quick break before I send you on your way. Use it wisely" as she warped away. So I decided to try something I didn't get to do before we were sent into my story. I picked up one of the letters off the page beneath us and it came off cleanly, as I grabbed the lettered to spell "notebook" placed then in the air in front of me as suddenly a notebook appeared out of the letters. Lucas was watching me as both his eyes and mine grew wide in amazement as I eagerly grabbed the letters to spell "pencil" as a pencil appeared. A grabbed both items and got up and said "you gotta see this." As Sorrow and Kahinoya stopped talking to each other and looked at me and Kahinoya sarcastically said "what is it now Silver?" As I replied "try grabbing some of the letters on the floor and spell something." As Sorrow picked up the letter to spell "Yoshi" as green Yoshi appeared as I saw Sorrow smile for the first time since before we got trapped in Wattpad. Kahinoya grabbed the letters to spell "a way out of Wattpad" on the wall. Nothing happened. As she said "dang it" I  said while having my paw on my chin like I was the thinker "well that makes sense why it didn't work..... because then Eris wouldn't be able to keep us trapped here..." as I sat down and spelled Anime Pokémon Eevee Messenger Bag Satchel as it appeared out of thin air as I put it over my head and put the notepad and pencil in the satchel. as Lucas in the corner of the room spelled out green armchair as it appeared as he sat down in it he was exhausted as we just started decorating the room until we thought it looked like the perfect HQ for us. We even added a ballpit with foam cubes in it, in the center of the room so when we land after we finish a story we'd land on something soft... we each had a corner in Lucas's corner it was a red ornate circular rug with the green armchair on top of it with a small table with a book about origami and a stack of origami paper on it and a tall lamp behind the armchair. My corner had a office desk with a laptop on it with one of those metal foldable shelving rack (you know like the ones you can get at office max to put in your locker or something) it was stacked to the brim with notebooks and on the desk was an Mp3 player with all my music in it and a Bluetooth headset and of course All the books in the "the secrets of the immortal Nicholas Flamel" series which was 6 books in total.... in Sorrow's corner all she had was Yoshi themed merchandise and a her Wii u, one of her two 2ds's and finally her red Gameboy advance SP with the game Yoshi's island in it (how I could tell was I could hear her playing it with the volume almost on full blast) and finally in Kahinoya's corner she had some of her things that I did not know much about (I've never been to her house IRL) so I didn't care to ask what she had... It was stuff I couldn't even put into words... and as soon as the ball pit turned into a portal we could tell it meant our time was up now I wish I created a stopwatch so we know how long we get to be in here before we have to go into another one of our stories...

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