(an inspired Wattpadder's) AUTHOR'S Intrusion...

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So... yeah I know I haven't published must for this story in FOREVER!!!

Anyway, reasons why are my friends IRL I haven't really come up with ideas for Their Stories yet... (I need to talk to them IRL since I actually know them IRL *Its ONLY the 3 other main characters *not including me* in this story which are as written thus far for this story...are Lucas, Kahinoya, and Sorrow*)

But heck its cause when I used to use my kindle while making this was "confiscated" by parents and family so...

anyway over the time I've had this story but nothing updated cause of every writer's or inspiring author's worst nightmare when writing a story... called WRITER'S BLOCK!

So that why... I been gone and off doing another story called No Internet (you should read it sometime...) ... but lately I've come up with an interesting concept of How these people got trapped in Wattpad... but not going to tell you all since that WILL be Spoiling it and ruining it for everyone so lets just say I'm deciding to come back to this cause well I can...

Yeah... this is just an update saying that I'm still alive here just been doing other things (mainly IRL stuff with being a senior in HIGHSCHOOL and all) but anyway I'll try to come up with a story for the next character with is going to be....

[insert name of character's here]

~not going to tell you...yet since that SPOILER CONTENT ~ /\ /\


I'm still alive!


P.S. the next chapter and probably following chapters are ALL going to be done from my "new" laptop (actually more than now a year old since I got it for Christmas) so no emojis will sadly be used...

I'm sorry...

The Wattpadders (Inspired By Dusty_Tri's Story Called The Wattpadders)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora