I Read the News Today, Oh Boy..

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     John looked at the newspaper headline. "John Lennon: The Fat Beatle". His deep brown eyes widened at the sight of the headline. His heart pounded and the hair all over his body stood up. He ran his hands down his body, feeling the soft skin and his squishy flesh.
      Immediately he rushed to the mirror, taking his black cotton shirt off and turned to face himself. He glared at his body, looking at the way things have changed. His torso was noticeably thicker, and his defined jaw was softer, rounder.

        Johns eyes watered. He took his glasses off and went into the small bathroom inside of his hotel room. He glared at himself in the mirror, the outlines of his body blurred. He was nauseated. Disgusted at what he had become. He turned on the faucet and dunked his head into cold water.

     There was a knock at his hotel bedroom door. "John! Come out!" It was Paul. John didn't reply. He dried his mousey-brown hair and wiped his face. "Coming." He sighed, wearily; throwing his shirt back on.

     "We made food." George, the thinnest Beatle stated flatly, poking at his fish and chips with a fork. John stared at the other three, all of which were sitting at the table. Paul pulled out a chair for John. John stayed put in the doorway, before realizing he should sit. He wasn't hungry.

     John sat and sighed. He poked his fork through the fish, but was too sick to eat. "I-Im not hungry." John said, and smiled lightly, and then he trudged back to his room. The other three boys looked at each other, befuddled.

    "What's he on about?" Ringo questioned.
"No clue," Paul followed up. Despite John acting odd, the three continued eating their meal.

    John dragged himself to the restroom, and turned on the shower. He turned to the toilet, and shoved two of his long fingers into his throat, moving them around, so he could purge out everything he ate that day.

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