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One of the nearest habitable planets is in Deneb Algedi, the Delta star system in the zodiac of Capricorn. Tuas and Cira pinpoint it on a map before they initiate the final plan that will salvage the city. Sector 10's quantum field is still alive, and they only have a few hours to reach that constellation before its strength dissipates into the background. The grey goo has been gone for several minutes already, but Tuas sits idle in anticipation for the new portal to open. They need to kindle self-detonation before that fateful minute arrives. And as the Yhemlen world begins to disintegrate right before their eyes, Tuas and Cira anticipate saving what's left of it.

"Let the countdown begin," Cira says. "Where are the other Overseers?" Cira asks.

"Consider them casualties," Tuas replies.

Deneb Algedi has been locked into the positioning system where a pulsating circle surrounds a descending number sequence. Tuas is worried too, but he can't let Cira see his reactions permeate without those unwanted vices coming to the forefront, like rushing the countdown. The city of Pangaea's clear shield is being repaired, albeit slowly, with a temporary fix. Artificial polymers are forming where the dome ruptured with help of quantum fields. It is part of the electromagnetic field's assortment of organic plasma. The Yhemlen aren't giving up the metropolis completely. Once the shield is repaired, self-detonation will move them to Deneb Algedi, beyond the reach of The Concord. There, they will be safe from The Concord. Tuas and Cira know that it will deplete the Grey Order's fuel to trail them.

Other Yhemlen were lucky enough to fetch one of the many cosmic taxis, catching a ride on an asteroid or comet large enough to settle upon and save energy. These express trips are like traveling without a license or roadmap in space, though roaming space to go where gravity takes them, they can at least steer the course somewhat with short thrusts. And besides saving fuel, riders must constantly check trajectories to see where they are. Tuas and Cira aren't settling for happenstance. It is Deneb Algedi, in Sector 10 of the zodiac, that will keep them safe.

In low orbit, Grandmaster Frost and the silver phantom wait in between worlds, waiting to cross into even another parallel reality. Communication transmissions are becoming weaker while they stay in geostationary orbit. Frost's astral stone is siphoned of its radioactive elements to leave him completely drained, shriveled up, and dry. It is the phantom. Though Frost's life hasn't ended: he's being prepared for a new one. While Frost lies limp, and unconscious in the transport ship's seat, the silver phantom's metallic body reflects the outline of Pangaea through the window, where the remnants of explosions line the atmosphere. In each direction are another set of tankers and transport ships.

The receiver to communicate across quantum channels is attached to the cockpit, as well on Frost's right arm sleeve. There are two separate receivers, but one point of contact in the ship. If the phantom can access the channel freely, it will be able to hijack an entire group of transport ships to take back home.

Cira is just now strapping herself in completely at Pangaea, hidden in an underground bunker beside Tuas. Meanwhile, the phantom inside Grandmaster Frost's transport ship needs to locate the proper controls. When it shifts its head to one side to perceive what's happening down below. A light bright as the sun gleams in the eyes of the demon, who tilts its head even further while covering its eyes with metallic arms illuminated by the same shine. It's much too bright for most, and what's left of the squadrons are annihilated by blinded transmissions. Frost remains in the Captain's seat, with no vital signs.

When the silver phantom returns its gaze, it gradually reveals silver, marbled eyes that are boldened as something spectacular happens. What is reflected in them, below, is the city of Pangaea lifting off. Its base was tethered to the soil with nuclear propulsion nozzles the size of hundreds of athletic stadiums. Beneath it is a launchpad made of rare mineral deposits that can withstand the blast while also absorbing exotic matter. The Phantom rushes to the transport ship window, unable to respond in time. Tuas and Cira are the saviors that Yhemlen legends praised, to at least keep the memory alive. The metropolis is more than a fortress city, but a starship capable of interstellar travel. It isn't until this present moment that fleeing is accepted, as The Concord is spent of its energy by now.

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