Day 1

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Lucy's POV

I stared out the window and watched the gray, puffy clouds below us. We've only been flying for an hour so far, but I just want to land already. I don't know how I am supposed to feel about retuning to Portland. I did, after all, live there for the first 15 years of my life.

My aunt Christy and her soon to be husband are letting us stay in their house, the one my mom and I were both born and raised in. When my mom was 18 she got pregnant with me. Her boyfriend, my dad, bolted as soon as he heard the news. Her parents were devastated and moved out, leaving my mom by herself. Aunt Christy was suppossed to go with her parents, but she chose to stay in Maine with my mom and me. She helped my mom raise me, and we all lived in that house together until Aunt Christy's boyfriend Tom moved in. So my mom and I moved to Virginia and have lived there for the past three years. They are getting married in 2 weeks at the house, so we're flying up and will stay until the wedding is over.

My mom is sound asleep with her head titled back in the seat next to me. She probably hasn't slept in days. It won't be easy for her to watch her younger sister get married before her, and return to the house she was abandoned in during that whole ordeal. I had managed to take a ten minute nap earlier, but I woke up soon after. So I pull out of my bag my iPod and my college admissions essay I've been working on. I'm applying to Stanford, and this has to be done pretty soon, so I need as much time as I can get since I have the wedding preparations that will be keeping me busy. I go to my Favorites playlist. Moments by One Direction comes on, and I begin writing.

At 5 'o clock we're finally making our way up the never ending driveway to the house. My mom looks at me and forces a weak smile. "Ready Luce?" she asks. "Yeah," I nod and smile back. Then my eyes return to the front. Right in front of me is the house I haven't seen in three years. The white walls were chipped and pale. The baby blue shutters were becoming a little loose, and the porch looked like it needed some repairs. But otherwise, it was the still the same beautiful, gigantic, memorable house I had left. It sits on top of a hill and overlooks the stunning beach in front of it. Down the hill is the cutest little guest house that I used to hangout in all the time. Next to that was the huge, white, circus-looking tent that the wedding reception would take place in. It's a 300 acre estate that's been in our family for years.

"They're here!!!" I heard Aunt Christy call from inside the house as we unloaded our suitcases from the trunk of our car. She came running out the side door seconds later. She was wearing a tiny purple dress with black heels and her hair flowed in curls out of her head. She, my mom, and I all look alike: dark brown long hair, gray eyes, slender bodies, very short, and pale skin. We also have really long eyelashes. My mom and Aunt Christy are gorgeous, but I don't think it works as well on me.

"Cece," Aunt Chrissy warmly smiles as she hugs my mom. Cecelia Brielle is my mom's full name. "How have you been?" my mom asks. "How have I been? I'm marrying Tom and I'm finally seeing my favorite girls for the first time since you left! I'm wonderful!" she says. "Good," my mom replies. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," she says before turning to me. "Lucy!" She hugs me and we give the basic life fill ins, then Aunt Chrissy sighs. "Well I wish we could do more catching up right now, but we've got a bunch of hungry wedding guests waiting for lobster! Do you mind coming?"

Harry's POV

I slipped my phone into my jeans pocket and straightened the collar on my blazer. I looked into the mirror. Good enough, I thought, and I flipped my hair once more before I left my room. I ran down the winding stairs, walked out the front door, and jumped into the backseat of the car.

Lucy's POV

"Nice to see you again, Lucille," Mrs. Norris weakly smiled as she shook my hand. She was the little old lady at our church who always stayed after to pray for everyone. After finally greeting and reuniting with the tons of people that showed up to the lobster bake, I was tired of socializing. I looked around. There were about 40 picnic tables bunched together for people to sit at. We had set up an endless buffet next to that: fresh fruit, appetizers, pasta, side salads, soups, rolls, corn on the cob, and over 300 lobsters. Behind that was the dock. Sailboats of all sizes lay on the sparklling water. Only a line of perfectly trimmed bushes separated the water and the people area, so I snuck behind the barrier and sat on a large rock right in front of the water.

I sat there in silence, soaking up my surroundings. That ocean smell I had missed so much had made it's way back into my nose. I closed my eyes and felt the warm sun on my face. For minutes I sat there in peace...until...

"That feel good?"

I whipped my head around to find a boy casually sitting on the rock next to me. But this wasn't any boy. I could recognize this boy in a heartbeat. This boy was Harry Styles.

HELLO, thank you for reading! Please tell me your criticism, compliments, suggestions, ANYTHING! I promise this story will improve as it goes on, I had to set the story up first. So please keep reading:)

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