Day 1 Continued...

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Lucy's POV

I had to blink a few times to see if he was really there. Yes, two feet away from me sat Harry Styles, 1/5 of the band of boys that I love so much. He grinned as my mouth most likely dropped open to a gaping hole. He was dressed in a white t shirt with his signature black blazer and gray skinny jeans. 

"Are-I...You're Harry Styles," I sputter. He grins. "Yes I am. And what might your name be, love?" I put my hands between my knees, trying to get them to stop shaking. "Lucy. Lucy Brielle."

"Well that makes sense. A pretty girl like you has got to have a pretty name." I blush more than I ever have in my entire life, and thats a lot of blushing, because I've done some pretty embarrassing things. "So," he begins while moving to a rock closer to me. "How do you know the couple?"

"I'm the bride's niece."

"So are you in the wedding?"

"I'm a bridesmaid."

" you're gonna have a lot of...umm, preparation jobs then aren't you?" he asks.

"You have no idea," I say, shaking my head. He laughs. "My family and I are friends with the groom. We're staying here in Portland until the wedding is over."

"Same here. I used to live up here, at Tom and Christy's current house, so my mom and I are staying there for the two weeks," I explain. I can hear the chorus of Free Fallin by John Mayer beginning to play from the stereo. "Wow, that must've been great. It's brilliant up here," he says while looking up at the sunset. The light was reflecting off the water and the ocean sparkled. We sat there in silence, watching as the sun sank lower and lower in the sky. I can smell his cologne, and my heart skips a beat as our hands touch when we both lean back on the rocks. 

"I love this song," he says, then starts mouthing the lyrics.

"I know you do," I smile. He grins. "So, you're a fan then?"

I nod. "I know almost everything about you."  "Really?" he chuckles. "What do you know about me?"

"Well," I sigh, trying my best to maintain eye contact without blushing again. "I know you're the cheeky and flirty boy in One Direction. You're always walking around naked and your favorite color is orange."

He laughs. "Pretty accurate so far, what else do you know?"

"Well, I know that you're an Aquarius like me. Your birthday is seven days before mine." He nods.

"I know that you used to work at a bakery in your hometown, and you wanted to go to college for sociology, business, and law."

"I know that you sang Isn't She Lovely for your X-Factor audition," I say as my eyes slowly meet the ground. 

"And even though you're a huge flirt, you're really a romantic too. Your favorite movies, Love Actually and Titanic, show that side."

"And you seem to everyone like this big, tough guy who doesn't care what people say, but you're actually pretty sensitive and not afraid to cry," I finally finish. Oh crap, I think as I meet his eyes again. Why did I just tell him all of that? He won't like a freakish stalker. He is staring at me with those beautiful green orbs, his face emotionless. Great job. You had a chance to flirt with the boy you love, and you ruined it.

Then he opens his mouth to talk. "You seem to know...a lot about me, but I don't know much about you. Would you like to go out to dinner sometime....with me?"

Wow. Didn't see that coming. "I- I'd love to," I smile. "Great," he says with his half smile. "So we should exchange numbers, so we can try to make plans sometime..."

"Do you want to go out right now?" I interrupt him. "What, you don't like lobster?" he smiles. "No, I lived in Maine for over three quarters of my life and I hate seafood," I say. He laughs. "Good, me too. You're sure you don't have to stay here though, being a bridesmaid and all?"

"I just want to get out of here, I can't talk to these people anymore!" I say as I reach for his huge hand. I slide my fingers in between his and pull him after me. "Come on, I know a place."

We walk out from behind the bushes, out of the gate, and onto the side of the street. We walk for about ten minutes, still holding hands, until we get to the diner my mom and Aunt Christy used to take me to all the time. Harry holds the door open for me and we step inside.

"I'll have the strawberry salad, please," I say to the waitress. "And another glass of water as well."

"Alright," she says, scribbling my order down. "And for you, sir?" 

"Umm...I'll have the taco plate, please. Thank you," Harry says.

"Yep, I'll have that right out," she says as she slips the pen and notepad into her apron pocket and walks away. Harry turns to me. "You know I'm going to make you eat more than a wimpy salad, right?"

I laugh. "Oh, don't worry, I'm not one of those girls. Believe me, if we ever go out again, I promise you will see me stuffing a great, big, greasy, unhealthy pizza down my throat." He smiles. "I hope we do go out again." I know I'm blushing again, because he smiles even more and changes the subject. "So tell me about yourself, Lucy." 

"Well, I'm eighteen, I just graduated from Ridgeway High School in Richmond, Virginia. I'm applying to Stanford University, but for now I live with my mom." I told him about how I lived here with Aunt Christy and my mom, but I left out a few details. "I play the piano and ocassionally compose some originals," I explain. He smiles. "Well, I'd definitely like to hear those sometime." I smile. We're sitting across from eachother at a little table next to the window in the corner. He starts to trace patterns with his finger on the back of my hand, the one laying on the table. 

"The rest of the boys are here in Maine too," he says. "We've got a bit of a break since we have our world tour coming up in a few months. We all came up here with our famiies. We loved it so much when we came up for a concert before, so, uh, this wedding being here was a good fit to our plans. The boys will be coming to the wedding as well, Tom and Christy said it would be fine."

Wow. How much better could this get? Harry Styles is sitting in front of me practically holding my hand and the rest of One Direction is showing up to the wedding.

After Harry- against my will- pays for the bill, we walk out of the diner. We sat there, talked, laughed, and ate for about 3 hours. This time as we walk back to the lobster bake, he wraps his muscular arm around my waist. Surprisingly enough, we haven't gotten any stares yet, there arent any other fans around. I am with Harry Styles right now, and it's probably the last time I'll ever see him. So I let my head rest on his chest and we eventually make our way back. Thankfully we arrive just before the party ends. I see my mom packing the back of Aunt Christy's van with the silverwear and leftover lobster. I turn to Harry. "Thanks know, tonight," I say. He grins that cheeky grin that I so love to see. "I had a lot of fun, you're a great girl. I'd like to see you again."

"Well you know how to reach me," I say, surprisingly smoothly.

"Yep. Make sure you answer me, or you could make a very attractive boy very sad," he says with a pout. I laugh. "I'll answer."

"Good. Well my mum is waiting for me," he says while guesturing to Anne, who is waving to him. "Good night, Lucy." He leans in, kisses my cheek for a couple of amazing seconds, then runs toward his mother. "Bye, Harry.." I whisper.

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