Problem #1

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"So, what's your comment?" I asked Lily nervously. "I want it to be more realistic, and more logic" I explained a bit to Lily because she raised her eyebrows after I asked about her opinion.

"But, don't you think it will be so boring if you write something that is more realistic? Maybe, unless you're a pro writer, maybe you can write something realistic and at the same time it still sounds interesting" Lily turn the laptop screen back toward my face.

"And of course, you don't need to use logic to write a story honey. If you use too many logic, then you're the one who get stress. Well, like you are now actually." said Lily again. I only nodding my head, and scroll through the laptop screen over and over.

"Don't worry. People won't question that much as long as your story makes sense. I mean even most stories are unrealistic and not logical. But that's what make it so interesting to read right?"

"Well, yeah.. that's right. But i just think maybe I could write some realistic story but still sounds interesting. But yep, it's freaking hard" I grinned and still looking at the laptop screen.

"Okay. Now, let me ask you. When you want to read a novel, which novel do you prefer? The one that has many drama and some weird fantasy or the one with less drama and don't have any fantasy?" Lily asked with serious expression.

"Hmm. The one that has more drama and fantasy i guess?" I paused for a while before I continue "but if there's a novel with realistic story, maybe i'll try to read it" I replied Jennie with a smile, and look over the window.

"Jennie, why do you read novels?" asked Lily while looking through my novel collections.

"It's entertaining, duh?" I answered to her question that i don't understand why she even asked.

"Entertain.. do you know people describe the thing we called 'entertain' differently? Maybe to you even realistic story would entertain, but to some people... no, i guess to most people, more drama and weird fanstasy are more entertaining than realistic one, because basically they don't have it in their daily life, so they're looking for it in the novel. Even people who being drama in their life still read or watch drama to satisfy their fantasy." Lily explained it so long which I think she's right.

"Or maybe, if you want to write something realistic, maybe you can just write your assignment or an essay about world's problem." I looked at Lily like seriously... essay?!

"I mean, don't you think even motivational book, sometimes it sounds so unrealistic? I mean they're right, but sometimes it just not too realistic." Lily summed up and we laughed.

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