Chapter 2

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“Levy, Juvia thinks she heard something behind that tree!” Levy chuckled, “I’m sure it was just a bird, but let’s go take a look just in case.” The girls tiptoed near the tree and a peeked around. Levy screamed and Juvia fainted. Gajeel came running. “What the heck is going on?!” A very naked gray appeared from behind the tree. “I don’t know dude I was just taking a wiz and the girls screamed.”  Gajeel rolled his eyes,” you’re naked…” Gray looked down, “What the heck!” Gray gathered his clothes and picked up Juvia. Levy finished her business and back in the RV they went.

                Three hours have passed since they started his little adventure and it wasn’t going nearly fast enough for Gajeel. Levy was sitting there quietly read a book while Juvia wouldn’t stop talking. “Are we there yet? Juvia is getting hungry. Is it a little hot in here? Gajeel-kun do you even have ‘down there’ pierced?” That question perked levy’s attention. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Gajeel said sarcastically. Gray noticeably getting annoyed at where this conversation was leading budded in. “I don’t think anyone wants to know.” Levy squeaked which caused everyone to look at her. She blushed which made Gajeel blush. “Aww, Levy likes Gajeel-kun and Gajeel-kun likes Levy! You two would make the craziest looking babies!” Juvia started to day dream as levy tried to figure out if that was a compliment or not.

                “Dude, watch out!” Gray yelled pointing at the small animal in road. Tires screeched and a thump was heard. “Oh no, did we hit it?” Levy asked while her hands were in front of her face. Gajeel stopped the RV and Gray stepped outside. He brought back a nicely flattened possum. “Look Juvia we have lunch now! Juvia stuck out her tongue, “Juvia would touch that with a 10 ft. pole. Juvia thinks Gray-sama has rabies now for just touching the thing.” Gray frowned and put the dead animal in a bag. “We will dispose of it properly in the town coming up.”

                “Look there’s Onibus! Time to eat!” The Four found a nice little café and ordered their lunch. After the meal they decided that they could spend a little more time in town. Juvia went with Levy to the book store, while Gajeel and Gray went to a specialty chocolate shop. “Hey Levy, Juvia was thinking about reading this book, would you recommend it?” Levy glanced at the book Fifty Shades of Grey and blushed. “Juvia I didn’t know you were into those kinds of books.” Juvia tilted her head, “What kind of books? Juvia wants this book because it reminds her of Gray-sama!” Levy giggled, “of course it does.”

                Gray and Gajeel were looking at the chocolate like it was a lady friend. Gray bought a bag of chocolate peanut clusters and Gajeel got a mint chocolate bar. They all met up together and Gajeel made sure everyone went to the bathroom before they got back into the RV. Levy and Juvia ran to the nearest bathroom while Gray just peed next to the Rv. “It’s like taking care of kids when it comes to you three.” Gajeel sighed, “Why did I ever agree to this again?”

                “Let’s get into the hot tub!” Levy and Juvia were already in their swimming suit. Gajeel was driving and wasn’t too keen on the idea of them filling up the hot tub while the RV was in motion. “ I don’t think that’s a great idea guys. If I make a sharp turn then my new Rv is ruined.” Levy glared at hi., “But I really want to get in. Pretty please cause we? “Levy pouted and it made gajeels heart sink. “Fine.” Juvia filled up the hot tub and the girls jumped in splashing a little water on the floor.  “Sorry Gajeel we will clean it up later!” Gray looked at the girls relaxing and was about to join them then they heard an odd noise. “Juvia thinks that bag name a noise.”  Juvia, Levy and Gray looked at the bag that he put the dead possum in. “Looks like we forgot to drop that bag off. I doubt the noise come from that though.” Gray said as he stepped into the hot tub.

                Ten minutes later they hear the sound again but this time the bag moved too. “Gray-sama are you sure that animal was dead?” Gray lift an eyebrow,” do you think I would bring a live animal in with us?” Levy chuckled, “well, we do have Gajeel here.” “Hey shrimp I heard that!” Gajeel was not amused. The bag then fell to the floor. “It’s haunted! The possum spirit has come to take revenge!” yelled Juvia as she ducked under the water. Gray and Levy continued to look at the bag when suddenly the possum jumped out of it and leaped right into the hot tub. The two jumped right out while Juvia was freaking out underwater. She managed to get out of the tub to see the possum just floating at the top. “I-is it dead?” Gray looked at Juvia, “It is now. Looks like we have possum soup for dinner.”

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