Chapter 4

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“No Gray-sama! What if it’s a killer?” Juvia said as she tackled Gray to the ground. “Oh, so now you’re afraid of potential murders after you almost willing let one hitch a ride?” Gray moved Juvia off of him and went back to the door. He opened the door, looked that the guy for a moment, and shut the door. Calmly he went to the front of the RV and turned it on. There was another knock on the door and with that Gray gunned it out there knocking everyone off their feet. “What’s going on Gray?” Levy said as she got herself off of Gajeel. “Everyone, don’t panic, but it was that weird killer guy. I’m not about to get my throat slashed because we want chicken salad.” Gray said while looking at Juvia in the rearview mirror. Juvia noticed and said, “But it’s the best chicken salad, so it would be worth it!” Gray rolled his eyes.

Levy and Juvia decided to get a little sleep since it was already 5 a.m. Gajeel sat in the passenger’s seat going through his glove box. “Hey Gray, why don’t we just turn around now and just say we got lost and ended up back home?” Gray pondered the idea but declined. “The girls would be upset and besides we only have a day and a half left to get there. I am curious about the chicken salad anyway.” Gajeel sighed and looked back at Levy. She was half way off the bed and sucking her thumb. Gajeel smirked and went back to the glove box. “Ah, here is my trusty grandfather clock!” “HOW THE HELL DID YOU FIT THAT IN THERE?” “That’s what she said…” Gray face palmed. “What do you need a clock for?” “You never know when you will need a grandfather clock. I’m sure you will be thanking me later.”

Five hours have past and the girls decided to get it. Levy moved to the front of the RV, “Guys, what are we going to do about food? It’s been nearly a day since we have eaten anything.” Gajeel looked at the map. “Yeah, It doesn’t look like we will be hitting up anything anytime soon either. Makes you kind of wish we kept that possum.”  Levy nearly vomits at that idea. “Wait, didn’t you buy a Mint chocolate bar when we were at the Candy shop yesterday?” Gray said while licking his lips. Gajeel pulled the chocolate bar out of his pocket. “Yeah but it’s so small. Don’t you think we should wait a little bit before someone eats the last of the food? I mean it’s not like we are starving to death yet.” Juvia popped out if nowhere, “Juvia is hungry now Gajeel-kun. May Juvia have the chocolate?” She started to reach for it and Levy pushed her hand away. “Now that’s not far Juvia. If I recall correctly you ate Gray’s chocolate last night.” Juvia pouted, “But Juvia didn’t eat a big lunch unlike Levy who ate enough for three people.” “Whoa, did you just call me fat?” “Those words didn’t come out of Juvia’s mouth. Juvia just thinks you shouldn’t be hungry now.”

As Juvia and Levy argued with each other the boys had a conversation of their own. “So, Gajeel.” Gray said with a smirk. “How about handing that chocolate bar to me. Since I need to keep up my energy to drive.” Gajeel chuckled, “Nice try ice tray, but I still think it’s best to save it for an emergency. Gray sighed then lunged toward Gajeel. “GRAY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” “THAT CHOCOLATE BAR WILL BE MINE!” Gray looked liked he would murder someone for the chocolate so Gajeel just handed it to him. “Ah, wise decision.” Before Gray could open the wrapper he was tackled by both girls. “Gray-sama, don’t you know it’s not nice to not share!” Levy took one of her books and hit Gray in the head causing him to drop the chocolate. “Levy dove to the floor while the chocolate slid under one of the beds. “It shall be mine!” Gajeel grabbed Levy by her foot and dragged her from under the bed. “Everyone calm down! We are not savages!” Gray and Juvia sat on the couch looking at the floor and Gajeel put Levy down on the bed. “Now are we done trying to kill each other?” Everyone nodded. Gajeel sighed, “All this because of chicken salad.” Levy looked around and fear came across her face. “Um…guys. If we are all back here, who’s driving?” 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2014 ⏰

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