1.) How you Met (edited)

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Gray- You were late for class and you bumped into Gray. Turns out he has the same classes as you so you both walked together. As you walked to class with him, you both got to know each other. He talked about his life in Australia and how he turned to thievery. You talked about your life in (country name) and how your uncle got you into stealing.When you reached the classroom, you both got yelled at by Shadowsan in front of the class.

Zach- You guys met back in high school. You were the new kid and you saw Zach was getting picked on by some jocks. You stood up for Zach and kicked the jocks in the balls. Zach invited you to have lunch with him and his friends. At the end of the day, you both exchanged numbers and been friends ever since.

Ivy- You first fell in love with theatre when you were 9. Since then, you were involved in a lot of plays and musicals. You then became a broadway actress. You did Carrie the musical, Tuck Everlasting, Finding Neverland and right now you were doing Anastasia. You met Ivy at the backstage door. You thought she was really sweet and cute so you signed her playbill with your phone number. You winked at her and Ivy walked away blushing.

Carmen- You were an FBI agent. You were part of the B.A.U. (WHERE MY CRIMINAL MINDS PEEPS AT!!!!) You met Carmen at a cafe in Arizona. Reid had a theory about the suicide bomber going into a cafe. So you and Morgan were there to stop him. Carmen was also there and was talking to Ivy and Zach about a caper. When the suicide bomber came, he took Carmen and held her at gun point. You shot the bomber in the head, rescued Carmen and prevented the place from blowing up. Carmen thanked you and walked off. You were really confused but you thought she was really cute too.


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