3.) Your First Date

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- For your date, took you far away from the academy and into a little secluded beach area.

- There, he set up a little picnic with a charcuterie board filled with green and red grapes, crackers and French cheese that he stole from Le Chèvre's cheese stash.

- He also stole a bottle of 1988 vintage red wine from the faculty room.

- "Ummm, aren't we a little too young to drink alcohol?"

- "Eh, we only live once, so why not."

-  You two took this opportunity to talk and get to know each other a little more.

-  While that was happening, Gray was struggling to open the wine bottle.

- "Do you need any help?"

- "Nope, I got it."

- That's what he said 5 minutes ago....

- Eventually, you snatched the bottle from him and opened it yourself.

- For the rest on the evening, you watched the sun set while drinking the red wine.

- Needless to say, loosing the bet was worth it in the end.


- Since you got that detention, your parents grounded you for a week.

- But that won't stop you from having your fun.

- At around 5:30, you climbed out of your bedroom window and ran to the end of the street where Zack was waiting for you in his car.

-  "So, how did you manage to sneak off?"

- "Ivy was going on a date with her girlfriend, and she won't be back until midnight, so we have all the time in the world."

- You guys parked at a 7/11 to get snacks and slushees before the race.

- As soon as Zack put the snacks on the counter, he realized he forgot to bring money.

- Luckily you had $20 on you and you saved him.

- He believes you're an angel from heaven.

- As soon as you got to the harbor, you both joined the crowd of people to watch the street race.

- Zack loved how your eyes lit up whenever the car engines roared.

- You guys really had fun betting on cars

- Until the cops showed up

- You guys got away before they could start identifying people.

- Other than the close call, you guys had fun sneaking around and running around the town.


- After your show, you walked out of the theater, and headed to the cafe Ivy was talking about.

- You could smell the freshly baked goods and the coffee before you could even walk in.

- The decor was really cute and looks aesthetically pleasing to look at.

- Anyways, as soon as you entered, you saw Ivy waiting for you at the back corner of the cafe.

- After ordering your food, Ivy began to talk about her travels and you couldn't help but admire how pretty she is (and she is. no cap)

- When your food arrived, the waitress immediately recognized you and asked for a quick photo.

- You were kind enough to take a photo with her

- After that, many people were approaching you two.

- You don't want to be rude and say no, so you complied.

- You looked at Ivy apologetically, but tbh she's pretty chill.

- As soon as that was over, you went for a walk at Central Park.

- "The night sky is really pretty."

- "It sure is".

- While you were looking at the sky, you unconsciously held Ivy's hand making her blush.

- She returned the gesture and held your hand tightly making you smile.

- best. night. ever <3


- As soon as you put your earrings on, you heard a knock on the door

- It was Carmen (ofc) and she was holding a bouquet of red roses.

- You put them in water before leaving.

- As soon as you both arrived at the restaurant, your jaw dropped to the ground.

- The restaurant she picked looked PRICY. Like very pricy.

- As soon as you both sat down, you looked down at the menu.

- And boy was the food expensive.

- prolly costs more than my entire existence....

- "Order whatever you want. My treat."

- "Are you sure? I don't want to burden you with the bill"

- "I want to. I really want to."

- Your night with Carmen was filled with fun stories about her travels and your cases.

- As soon as dinner was over, you decided to walk around before heading home.

- However, it was really cold, and you being such a dumbass, didn't bring into account on how cold it was and forgot to bring a coat.

- Carmen noticed you shivering and gave you her red trench coat.

- "Wait, are you sure? I don't want you to get sick."

- "I'm sure. I have plenty."

- When it was getting late, Carmen offered to walk you home.

"You know, this was really nice. I had a good time."

- "Me too. We should do this again sometime."

- As soon as you two arrived at your front door, you took the coat off, however Carmen stopped you.

- "Keep it, it suits you."

- Then, out of the blue...

- Carmen kisses you on the cheek.

- "have a good night bonita."

- she winks at you and walks off

- y/n.exe has stopped working.

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