2.) How they ask you out

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You and Gray were partnered up for a project and you guys failed it. You got an earful from Shadowsan and a bad grade to top it all off.

"I can't believe we failed." Gray frowned, as the two of you walked out of the faculty room.

"Well, maybe if you stuck to the plan instead of wondering off, we could've pulled it off." You snarled.

"Hey, I was trying to be slick. It's you who's the problem." He retorted.

"How am I the problem?" You crossed your arms.

"You're just weak." Gray mumbled.

"EXCUSE ME? I'm no weakling. I'm strategically smarter and a lot stronger than you." You huffed.

"Wanna bet?" Gray smirked at you.

You both stopped walking and face each other.

"What do you have in mind?" You ask.

"We have a combat match this afternoon. If you win, I'll run around campus naked. But if I win, you have to go on a date with me."

You started to laugh. "A date with you? In your dreams." You wiped a tear out of your eye.

"I'll take you up on that offer. Just so you know, I'm not planning on loosing."

"So do we have a deal?" Gray put out his hand out.

"Deal." You shook his hand, confirming your deal with the good looking devil.

"I'll see you at 1 then." He winked and then left for his next class.

"I'll make him eat his words." You thought to yourself.

————Hours Later————

"I can't believe I got beaten by that sly mother fucker." You growled as Gray was putting the stick away. He was humming a happy tune while stretching his back.

"Well then, I guess you owe me that date." He smirked.

"Whatever." You rolled your eyes.

"I'll pick you up at 6. See you then." He pat you on the head and left the room, leaving you speechless.

You and Zach were sitting in your English class, waiting for the period to be over. As the teacher was writing something on the board, you felt someone put something on your back. You removed a yellow sticky note and read the message.

Yo, wanna go to a street race with me?


You look back to see Zack smiling at you. You smile back and wrote something on the sticky note.

When the teacher wasn't looking, you quickly put the sticky note on the desk.

I'm down! When and where?

You stared at the clock until you felt the sticky note on your back again. You ripped it off and read it.

Tonight at the harbor.

You immediately wrote your response and put it on his desk.

It's a date. Pick me up at 6. :)

Zack smiled to himself. He was about to write another response down, until someone snatched the sticky note from his desk. He looked up to see the English teacher reading the messages between the two of you
Once she was done, she glared at you two.

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