Moving In

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 I'm going to start focusing a little bit more on Scomarson from now on, so if you like them, then you'll like this bit a lot.


Mitch and Beau had lived together in the new house for almost a month so far, and it was great for them. But emphasis on them- for Scott, it wasn't so great. He was missing Mitch. He had liked seeing him everyday, and now he didn't get to. He wanted Mitch. He at least wanted to live with someone.

To Mark and Mason, this was plainly visible. They loved Scott, and they knew him. And Scott wasn't very good at hiding his emotions, either, so they could read him like a children's book.

One day, while Mark was lying on the couch with his feet resting in Mason's lap, watching him doing something on the computer, he finally spoke up. "Do you want to live with Scott?"

Mason looked over at him. "What?"

"Did I stutter?" Mark demanded, sitting up. "Should we ask Scott to move in with us?"

"No, and if it makes you happy," Mason replied.

"Well, it makes me happy," Mark told him. "But does it make you happy?"

"Yes," Mason said. He smiled, then tilted his computer, closing it partway, and set it on the table that he had been using as a footrest. He laid on his back beside Mark.

"Hey, you're crushing me!" Mark protested, and Mason just laughed.

"Believe me, love, I know what I'm doing," Mason responded, before lifting Mark and putting him on top of him. "There," he said. "That's much better."

Mark tried to squirm off of him. "But, I was comfortable!" he whined.

"Too bad," Mason responded, wrapping his arms around his love. "We're staying like this."

Mark let out a heated sigh. "You are so annoying!" he complained.

"You love me," Mason told him.

"Maybe I don't!"

"You do."

Ten minutes later, both of them were asleep. Mason's dreams probably wandered, but Mark, for the most part, dreamed sweetly of living with Scott.


Later that same day, Mark called Scott. "Hi, Princess," he said, when Scott picked up.

"Put him on speaker," Mason said.

Mark did so. Scott asked why he was calling. "Do you want to come over?" Mark asked.

"Sure," Scott said. "I'm busy, though. How long do you want me to stay?"

Mark considered that for a moment. But Mason thought of it first. "As long as you can," he said. "At least tonight, if that's possible."

"Mitch and I have a show later today, in about an hour. I can see you guys after that, if you want."


The next day, the throuple was sitting together on Mark and Mason's couch, watching a movie. Scott sighed tiredly, resting his head against Mason's chest. He tucked his legs up on the couch, and Mason smiled slightly, putting his arms around him. He turned to Mark, whispering his name. Mark looked over, and smiled upon noticing the position the other two were in. "We probably shouldn't keep him up as late as we did," he whispered.

"The fact that we didn't get very much sleep was more your fault than anyone else's," Mason whispered back.

"True," Mark replied.

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