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"So, they think that your parents did this this?" Mitch asked, laughing a little bit at how that sounded.

Beau was much less amused. He nodded silently. "They spoke with them," he replied. "They don't really have a solid alibi for the most recent one. They were interrogated differently, and each gave a separate response. There's no witnesses for either one. But they didn't do the first one; that much is apparent from the video. They're working on that. But there's still no way of knowing who did the second one.

Mitch sighed, lowering his head. There really was no way, and it scared him. But then he had a thought. "You woke up that day to Laika barking, right?"

Beau nodded.

"Well," Mitch said, "I read a book once about the minds of dogs, and it mentioned a story where a crime was committed and a dog had seen the person who did it. The dog was shown a picture. One of the people in the photo was the criminal. The dog pointed that person out."

Beau perked up a little bit. "So maybe we can do that!" he said. Mitch nodded, smiling.


Laika was lying down, staring at the new dog. She didn't like the new dog, and she felt betrayed by her presence. However, she had to protect her owner. The new dog didn't want that, but Laika had something to prove. She had long since sworn to herself that she would protect her owners with her life, and she had failed in that. Luna finally stood up, and left the room. That was fine by Laika.

She closed her eyes, but they opened as she thought about the horrified look on Beau's face when he saw Mitch. She sighed, curling up. She could have probably prevented this. She could have probably prevented all of this.

Mitch walked into the room then. Laika sat up, looking at him. He reached down and picked her up. "Guess what?" he asked her. She gave no response. "You're gonna help us solve a crime, Laika!"

She didn't really know what was going on, but she knew that she was going to do something amazing for her humans. And that excited her.


Sorry for the long wait and short chapter. I wasn't quite sure how to make it longer. I'll try to make the next chapter longer. And I'll try to make it sooner, too.

Also, I saw Pentatonix in concert earlier in the summer. It was great!

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