rules. roles.

774 20 40

bullying will not be accepted here. if I catch you being hateful or inconsiderate to another person- either in this roleplay or in your activities elsewhere on this platform- you'll be either given a warning or kicked immediately, depending on the severity.
smut should be taken to PMs, and swearing to be kept to a minimum or censored. I don't mind either of these things, but WattPad does, so keep in mind to keep it decently clean. if you do choose to have your characters swear, censor it in some fashion- shît, sh*t, sh1t, etc. just make sure it's readable.
no perfect characters/whumps. for example, no character that is 100% attractive, intelligent, confident, kind, etc. not everyone is perfect, so give them human flaws. on the other hand, no whumps- don't have your character always be getting hurt or dying, or having super tragic backstories. I get it, they may not have had the best life, but good things still happen in what seems like the worst possible life.
all characters in this are to be thirty. no fifteen year olds, no forty year olds. thirty years old only, all born on the same day, exact same time. the only exception to this is Five's character, who we all know the story of his age... or lack thereof, in terms of appearance.
no overpowered characters. yeah, yeah, I know. they all have superpowers and can seem overpowered at times, but if even Vanya can be stopped? yeah, there's no reason for you to be like "oh!!1!1 but I can't find any way to add in weaknesses ?1?1???" work with it. or give them a different power.
on the same note, you can't have your character have the same power as another. Five already has time/space travel, Ben already has the Eldritch monster thing, etcetera. I know some of the powers are super cool, but keep it at least somewhat original. please.
there are some individual and some group things on here. if you're interested in making an individual one a group one, please define how many people are ideal for it and the new scenario you've come up with.
pull your weight. if I'm playing five characters, I expect that you play at least four. it gets boring if your OC is actually interacting with others and mine is doing jack shit, or if characters are interacting and you expect me to play all of them and you only play your OC.
don't control my characters and I won't control yours. it's really not that hard.
have fun! I know all of these rules are just limitations on what you can and cannot do, but you should still be having fun. if you aren't, tell me, and we don't have to keep roleplaying. trust me, you won't hurt my feelings. following this, I'll also tell you if I'm bored, and please don't get upset. if you start getting angry with me or anyone else because they don't wish to continue, I'll have to ask you to leave. your form will be deleted, etc.

thirty six blank slate characters. you may choose to be one of the existing characters, but this is more of a type of thing where your characters don't interact with existing characters de to the fact that they aren't a part of the Umbrella Academy. keep this in mind.
No. 8 • Anne Judy Reed, @glass-shxdow
No. 9 • Lucas Wong, @DRINKINHYUN
No. 10 • Ritchie Cole, @eccyuk
No. 11 • Jacquelin, me.
No. 12 • Nikkita Garcia Hargreeves, @Stephanie-Singer
No. 13 • Bella Grace, @yza_the_raven
No. 14
No. 15 • Natalia Flowrhold, @HttpHuraraka
No. 16 • Autumn Smith, @Jkt1010
No. 17 • Kitera Jackson, @SillySsillySadasS
No. 18
No. 19 • Rivers Tracey, @NoodlesByRamen
No. 20
No. 21 • Josh Griffin, @thisisajoshpun
No. 22 • Karuna Jackson, @rydentrash321
No. 23 • Caroline Cowen, @ImALittleODDx
No. 24
No. 25 • Sam Mononoke, @ diphylleixgrxyij
No. 26 • Chevonne Lehmukuhl, @Chavonnie26
No. 27 • Cassius, me.
No. 28
No. 29
No. 30
No. 31
No. 32 • Adeline Anne Winters, @WaywardLost
No. 33
No. 34Logan Hargreeves, @GabrielAmbrose
No. 35
No. 36
No. 37
No. 38
No. 39
No. 40Elizabeth Holt, @shadowslayer601
No. 41 • Thomas Lee, @JackYorktown465
No. 42
No. 43Dayna Moore, @ReginaldHargreeves

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