author's forms.

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name|} Cassius
number|} No. 27
gender|} male
sexuality|} bisexual
place of birth|} Rabat, Morocco
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height|} 5"8
appearance|} Cassius is a man of many sharp edges and angular features. his nose is sharp and a bit crooked, with cheekbones that give it the appearance of being smaller than it is. his eyes are slim and heavily shadowed by his protruding brow bones, a usual bright hazel dulled to a pale brown. his mouth is very slim, and his jaw and chin are very prominent. freckles crowd his nose and cheekbones, the area they cover more saturated than the rest of his nut brown skin. he's relatively short, standing at 5"8, with a slim and slender but muscular body  type. he typically wears a brown and white bomber jacket, black turtleneck, dark blue slim fit dress pants, and mahogany Doc Martens. he can also typically be seen with hearing aids and glasses.
does their appearance change when they use their power?|} his appearance does not change.
if so, describe how/why/what it looks like|} non applicable.
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power|} Cassius has the ability to alter reality, visually, as well as manipulate sound and light to some extent.
limitations/weaknesses/what prevents them from using their power|} when attempting to use his powers, Cassius needs to be 100% focused. otherwise, it could result in the temporary... "sickness", which could last up to forty-eight hours. he's very sensitive when it comes to light and sound, so that's an issue- when not wearing his hearing aids and glasses, it's extremely hard got him to so much speak an entire sentence, much less form actual thoughts. furthermore, places with too bright of lights can damage his ability to manipulate light, and places that are soundproofed damage his ability to manipulate sound. if one of his senses is overwhelmed in general, as he's very sensory-sensitive, it can incapacitate any of his abilities. mirrors work the same way, and if he's in a room full of them, he can't use any of his powers. the ability to alter reality only applies to the visual aspects, such as making the enemy see him or another person their fighting as a loved one to get the upper hand- though what's actually real stays the same.
what strengthens their power|} places with natural lighting that's not too bright are ideal for his manipulation of light, whereas open areas are ideal for sound. alteration of perceivable reality does best in places where his mindset is either relaxed, angry, or aggressive, though this power can never really be fully put to a stop for any amount of time. he just can't use it if he's unable to focus or get in one of the above mindsets. and, above all else, surprisingly being drunk or high helps with his powers- focus is key for all three of them to function without injuring him, and being high heightens his state of focus.
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character alignment|} chaotic evil.
good or evil?|} morally grey.
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other important information|} to cope with the seemingly constant ringing in his ears and rapid intake of his surroundings that cause him headaches, Cassius is a regular drug user- anything does him over, really. he's also one of the "masked vigilantes"- going by the name Taghyir, and signing most of his "scenes" in dark blue and silver graffiti.

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name|} Jacquelin Aspin
number|} No. 11
gender|} Female
sexuality|} Asexual
place of birth|} Atyrau, Kazakhstan
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height|} 5"4
appearance|} Jacquelin is a smaller person, only about 5"4, with darker skin and pale freckles. her eyes are a dark hazel that almost seem brown, overshadowed by dark eyebrows hat are downturned and arched. she keeps her hair short, as to not get in her face, in a curly pixie cut. she's dyed it blue recently- the vessel- and it's evident by the leftover blue streaks on the ends of her hair. with very soft features and an almost doe-ish look to her, it's easy for her to manipulate others into trusting her or underestimating her strength. this comes in handy for missions. she typically can be seen wearing a light beige tank top with a blue stripe, black high waisted jeans, and blue high-topped Vans.
does their appearance change when they use their power?|} her power does, in fact, change her appearance.
if so, describe how/why/what it looks like|} her power causes spikes of different lengths and levels of sharpness to protrude from her body randomly.
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power|} protrusion of spikes.
limitations/weaknesses/what prevents them from using their power|} given that her power gives her immense pain (I mean, spikes are ripping through her skin in random places all over her body when she chooses to use this power), she already doesn't use it much. but, when she does, it can easily be weakened by high frequency noises, which severely alter her overall sense of perception. when this happens, the spikes will convulse for a moment or two before completely retracting, often leaving her either passed out or on the brink of doing so.
what strengthens their power|} there isn't really anything that can strengthen her power.
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character alignment|} neutral good.
good or evil?|} good.
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other important information|} none.

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