Not Jokes

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Sorry that this isn't a joke, but I have something I need to tell. I was talking with someone, let's call them Fred, but this was basically the conversation.

Me: Fred, why are you so against homosexuals?

Fred: Because they're against Jesus!

Me: How are they against Jesus?

Fred: Because obviously the bible says being gay is bad.

Me: Where in the bible does it say that? And why are you so offended when it's someone else loving someone?

Fred: Because it's nasty.

Me: It's just someone totally unrelated to you, being attracted to someone else. It's not like they can flip a switch and now they're straight!

Fred: Being gay is a choice.

(Then my friend Alex joins the conversation) Alex: Actually, it's in their hormones. They can't really change what they like. Just how Blaze's head is made for math, but maybe some other girl likes social studies. They can't change!

Me: Fred, have you ever been attracted to someone?

Fred: Yea, but she was a girl, and followed Jesus!

Me: Could you flick a switch and stop being attracted to her?

Fred: Uh... dur! *obviously lying*

Alex: Apparently about half of ancient Athens was gay, and they followed Jesus.

Fred: If they're gay they can't be following Jesus. They're against if they're gay!

Yea, it just went in a loop. Fred's idiotic mind couldn't understand it was fine. He thought the world was only a thousand years old, too. To any of you homophobes out there, why is one person loving another so wrong? Also, Fred believed anyone who was gay was automatically against his religion. He said only closet-case homosexuals were fine, because they didn't show their "disgusting choice" in the words of Fred. Some people...

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