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I didn't mean it. I just wanted fame.

If anyone would ask why I asked Taylor out with that long speech thingy I made.


I was just walking home when I heard Taylor.

"Jake!!!! Wait!!!" Taylor said running towards me.

I put on a fake smile and turned around to see Taylor panting.

"Jake...if you actually mean it, yes, we can go out. How about tonight?" She said.

"Of course. I'll love to! I'll pick you up at 6 okay?"

Taylor nodded, and we kissed.

"Thanks" I said and she went.

I saw the paparazzi fussing so I ran home.

I checked my twitter and yes, Taylor's fans are just crazy about us.


It was 5:30 when I was putting some gel on my hair. I thought I would buy some flowers for Taylor so i went to the flower shop. I bought some pink rose and drove to Taylor's.

I knocked on the door and Taylor opened.

"Wow. You look beautiful." I said amazed. She was indeed, gorgeous. The sparkly dress fitted her.

She blushed and hugged me.

"Oh here Taylor. I bought you this." I said and handed her the rose.

"This is beautiful." She said amazed.

I turned on the radio when we were in the car and she was humming.



We were at the Italian restaurant I reserved and we sat.

"What do you want to have Taylor?"

"Hmm...the spinach salad and the cheese gnocchi."

"I want have...the cheese pizza" I said.

I ordered our food to the waiter and we started talking.

"So Taylor. Tell me about your album?" I asked.

"It's a surprise for you! But it's better than the other albums I've made. I love it. You'll love it too." She said.

We talked more about her album and about the movie I was going to be in.

We ate our dinner in a minute and we were already at our dessert.

"Mmmmm...this is so fruity." Taylor said with her eyes sparkling.

I payed our dinner and we were at Taylor's house.

"Thanks for the dinner Jake. It was so fun. How about we go on a date this Sat?" She asked.

"Of course Taylor."

We kissed and I waved good bye.

She went and I knew it. I was actually in love with Taylor Swift.


I went back to my house and turned on the TV.

They talked about me and Taylor.




I need to keep this relationship longer huh.

'Thanks for the dinner!!! Love you'

Taylor texted me.

I replied no problem and I told her I was wonderstrucked.

We texted for awhile but I slept on the couch shortly and dreamed peacefully about me and Taylor.

I hope Taylor did the same.

Together Forever. {Sweeran fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now