Chapter Seventeen: Luca

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"Is he still nursing well?" Luca asks the young mother sitting in front of him. Her baby is grunting, face scrunched up in displeasure as Luca examines him. The poor little boy looks like he is in pain, and if Luca is right, then he most likely is suffering.

The mom wipes at her eyes. "He cries non-stop and I nurse him for hours and he just keeps crying. I brought him in this morning because he stopped crying. He's just... Just doing that," she gestures at the grunting baby.

Luca nods his head and goes over to the cupboard to pull out a ready to use bottle. Taking it, he shakes it, and the mom stops, looking at him in confusion.

"What are you doing? Is.. is that formula?"

"Yes," Jamie opens it carefully and screws on a top. "Your son is dehydrated and it is getting worse." He pauses, looking at the horror-struck mother. "He isn't getting enough milk from you, that's why he is nursing constantly and isn't settling afterward. He needs some formula."

"But... But isn't formula bad for babies? Breast milk is best. I want to give him what's best."

Luca pause and looks the mother directly in the eyes. "A healthy baby and a healthy mother is what is best. You two are both suffering and formula can help that. It is a carefully monitored and formulated food for your baby." He holds out the bottle to the young mom, who takes it with shaky hands, before handing her the baby. "This is the same formula that I use with my daughter, and I trust it whole-heartedly."

She looks at him again before her eyes drop down to her son. Slowly, she slips the nipple between his lips, and he eagerly starts sucking. As soon as he gets the first bit of milk, he settles. His mother instantly starts crying, pulling her son close.

"I'm such a bad mom. I should have known that he was suffering."

Luca rolls his chair closer and sets a gentle hand on her shoulder. "You are a good mom and you did know that he was suffering. That's why you brought him in, hm?" She nods, eyes not moving away from her son. "Now, just because you are unable to breastfeed does not mean that you are any less of a mom than someone who can. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise."

He pulls away from her, typing a few last things in the computer before standing up. "I'll leave you two alone. Stay in here as long as you need."

She nods, looking up at him. "Thank you, Dr. Flowers."

He smiles, giving her a nod before slipping out of the room and closing the door behind him. The office is pretty quiet today. It is the beginning of the week when there are the most openings, and Luca just got done with his last patient.

He waves to a few of his colleagues as he walks past, reminding his nurse to check up on his last patient in about ten minutes. Now, he has to force himself to get changed into some real clothes for the meeting he has with his attorney.

Way too soon, he is dressed and walking to his car. There is a light drizzle, not heavy enough for him to pull on his hood but enough to dampen his hair by the time he is climbing into his car.

Luca's hands tighten on the wheel as he drives to the downtown area. He has been dreading this meeting because it is just another reminder that his custody of his daughter is precarious. Just the thought of not being a father has his stomach turning. He is close to pulling the car over in order to be sick, but he clamps his mouth shut and continues to drive.

He can't avoid this, and he knows that his lawyer, Kia Phillips, is on his side. She was the best lawyer he could afford, and she seemed more than competent. The reason Luca likes her so much is that she is a formidable, determined lawyer. She had met with his ex-in-laws lawyer- yes, two lawyers- already, and came away even more scathing. She knew what she was doing, and for that he was grateful.

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