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I smiled to myself as I responded to Sam's comment. Sam is the guy on myspace that chatted with me. His response made me laugh out loud. I typed back quickly and leaned back and yawned. It was about 2:00 in the morning and I was still up, Jack was snoring soundly in the room next to me.

Dad had gotten home two days ago and had been banished to the couch. Mom slept in the bedroom.

The silence between my parents was stoney. Dad wouldn't speak and had bluntly refused to sign the divorce files. Mom had a cow. (Not literally!! :D )

The only ones keeping the family from falling apart was Jack and I. It was great to have Dad home, safe and sound. I always still have that tiny part of me that worries for Dad's safety when he's gone on a case.

I logged off after seeing Sam go offline and shut my laptop done. I set it on my bed and creaked my door open. I crept down the stairs and saw Dad sitting on the couch with a lamp on, reading a book. "Dad? What are you doing up?" I whisper through the darkness.

"Al? I could ask you the same question." Dad said, sticking a book mark in the book.

"Can't sleep. You?" I ask. "Just some nightmares." Dad says quietly. "Hey, Dad. You never did tell me, why did you become an FBI agent? I mean it has tons of cons: Never seeing your family, nightmares etc." I ask, sitting on the couch beside him.

"I wanted to help people and catch guys like them. I just, I guess wanted to be a hero." Dad says.

"You know you're just not the FBI's hero, Jack says that your his favourite superhero Dad." I smiled.

"Well, am I your hero?" Dad ask, hugging me. "You know you are." I kiss him on the cheek. 

Dad pulls me in and cuddles with me. Ok, I know what you are thinking. Aaron Hotchner is not a cuddle-type person. I know that, but for some reason, he'll do anything for his kids, even cracking a horrible joke.

Dad kisses my forehead.

"I love you Ally." Dad says.

"I love you Daddy." I whisper, smiling to myself.

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