Chapter Thirty Nine

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Angelica's P.O.V~

I wake up to someone pouding on our front door and groan.

I turn over and look  at the clock on the side table and see that is is two in the morning. What the heck is someone doing here at two in the morning?

I carefully remove the covers and pad my way down the steps to the door. After everything that has happened, my nerves are all over the place and my fox comes to the surface, just to be sure.

When I get to the door, I press my ear up against it to see if I can hear who might be at the door. Sadly, as soon as my head touches it, the person bangs on it again and I go light headed for a moment.

Growing out my claws, I step back, grab ahold of the door knob and throw open the door.

I curse under my breathe when I realize it is Emma, standing there wide eyed with hand up and ready to knock again. "Do you mind!?!" I whisper yell and she scrunches up her face, "You taking so long? No. Some people are naturally slow." I give her a pointed look and then move to let her in.

She comes barreling inside and nearly knocks me over, heading straight for the living room. "Jesus woman, what is wrong?" I ask and she gives me a panicked look. "I think I'm pregnant!"

I freeze half way across the room and stare at her. Emma looks at me with a mix of panic and impatience. "Um... Okay, why makes you think you are pregnant?" I ask and she lets out a strangled-like noise. "Well for one thing, I have been so tired recently! Like just going for a morning run has me wanting to fall over. Then, this morning Dom was out on patrol and I was making breakfast. All of a sudden, I just felt so sick and ran to the bathroom. I hadn't even though anything about it until I got sick about twenty minutes ago." She says quickly and I sigh.

Now was not the time to be having a pup. With the rogue population growing and all, it was so dangerous. "Well, lets not freak out, okay? Let me get dressed and we will go to the store and get some pregnancy tests." Emma nods her head and stands up, pacing around the room.

I jog up the stairs and quietly get dressed, trying my hardest not to wake anyone up.

As I go passed Theodore and Annette's room, I quietly open the door and peak in. Theo was up on the lofts bed and Ann was on the regular queen sized bed, snuggled up with one of her pillows. I smiled at the two of them and then went back downstairs.

When I looked at Emma, she seemed ready to pull her hair out, so I grabbed her arm and went to the garage. "Can you even drive?" Emma asks and I nod my head, opening up the car door. "The werewolf pack I was in taught me and I got my driver's license." I tell her and she nods. I put the car in gear and back out of the garage and onto the gravel roadway.

We stare at the assortment of tests we grabbed and Emma looked at me, looking like she wanted to be sick, but I am not too sure it is from morning sickness. "Just go, whatever the result, we will work it out." I tell her reassuringly and she sighs, grabbing one of the tests.

She gives me a quick hug and then rushes into the bathroom with a test from each box.

My stomach begins to churn as I watch the clock and about six minutes later, she is walking out of the bathroom. Emma's hands are behind her back and her expression shows just how nervous she is.

She puts them on the table and then closes her eyes, "Okay, on the count of three, we look."




We both take a look and Emma burst into a frenzy. "No no no no."

Emma begins pacing back and forth and I take a deep breathe. "Pregnant" She whispers and I give her a sympathetic smile. "Why are you so upset? Dominick is your mate, it was bound to happen someday." I tell her and she sighs,flopping down onto the closest chair. "Yes, but right now? With all of the crazy rogues! Plus, he hasn't once mentioned having pups, what if he doesn't want them?"

Honestly, her fears were validated. I couldn't see Dominick jumping up and down with the news, but he is a werewolf. Although we have a human side, obviously, the animal part of us always has that same instinct, no matter who you are. Find your mate, mark your mate, mate with your mate, and produce offspring. Our inner fox, or in their case wolf, doesn't care about dates and marriage and all that. For them, they just want to mark you and have your pups, Simple.

It is the human side of us that doubts marking, mating, and having children.

I take Emma's hand in mine and put my other hand on her shoulder, "Everything will be okay, Emma. You are his mate, of course he wants this pup! Its instinct, you have nothing to be afraid of." I reassure her and she engulfs me in a hug.

Right as she touches me, my dinner comes back up and I race into the bathroom. Emma dashes in after me and ties my hair up for me, then turning around to give me some privacy. My inner fox sturs within the back of my mind as I empty my stomach and mutters one word that has my whole world tilt on its axis, "Kit."

I quickly wash my mouth off and brush my teeth, trying to get ride of that disgusting taste in my mouth.

Emma smiles softly at me and hands me a test, almost like she knows what is going on and I take the test from her.

I rush into the bathroom, similar to how she did and do what was necessary to get the results. When it was just Emma, I was anxious but it wasn't as big of a deal, she was my best friend and I would support her. I wasn't scared, because I also knew that although it is not the safest of times, I would kill anyone that would try to harm her. Now, I was scared. Now, it was me that could possibly be carrying a kit. What's worse is that Vito is after me!

Was I even ready to be a mother? Yes, I took care of Theodore since he was a baby, but this is different. Don't ask how or why, it just is.

When I was raising Theodore, I didn't have too much time to really be motherly, I just kept him alive. I did what my instincts told me to do. Fighting off rogues and hunters? Easy. Finding food and keeping him warm? Super easy. It was all instinct.

Bed time stories and chasing away the monsters under the bed? Yeah, I will probably be too worried to chase the monsters out in the real world away.

I had never had to kiss Theo's boo boos or play games with him, I was too busy wrapping up my arms and legs that were gushing blood or playing the never ending game of hide and seek. Truth is, I don't know how to be a mother. I know how to he a protector and provider, but from what I have heard, being a mother is so much more.

I slide down the wall and as my bum comes in contact with the cold tile flooring, I put my head in my hands and take deep, steady breathes.

After a few moments of waiting, I grab the test, count to three and look, my breathe hitches and a lone tear cascades down my cheek.


Oooooo, I have been waiting for this moment since I began writing the book! How do you guys feel about Emma and Angelica being pregnant? What do you think Dominick and Luca's reactions will be? Read more of Shadow Shifters to find out!

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