Chapter Forty Three

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One week later

Angelica's P.O.V~

The pack house was hectic, people were running in and out with decorations and it sounded like a zoo.

Children ran about with one another, occasionally helping carry things outside where the baby shower was being held.

Luca and Dominick paid for someone to come and do our make up and hair, and yesterday we got some outfits. We both wanted dresses, but of course we couldn't find any that we liked that would actually fit. The frustrations of being pregnant!

I was wearing black leggings with a purple long sleeved shirt and black flats, where as Emma was wearing white leggings a pink shirt and white flats. My hair was pulled up into a normal bun and hers was frenchbraided. 

I glanced at Emma on the other side of the couch and saw her twirling the tips of her hair with her fingers. "I am so hungry!" She yells out all of a sudden, making me jump. "Luca?" I call out through our link and in seconds he replies, "Emma and I are starving." I knew he was probably wondering how we were hungry, we just ate thirty minutes ago, but we were now eating for two. Well, in Emma's case, three.

Emma and I both have had the weirdest cravings, and I could tell the boys had a hard time watching us eat.

Soon enough, a pack member brought in  two bowls of ice cream. One was vanilla for emma and the other was chocolate. She then handed emma a bag of salt and vinegar chips and me a box of special K cereal. I pour the cereal onto the ice cream and begin munching on large bites. Emma dips her chips into the ice cream and eats it, while male pack members give us curious glances, most of the older women smile at us.

"Are we weird?" Emma asks and I scoff, "No were pregnant, pass the chocolate syrup."

After eating, we went upstairs and put on our shoes again.

We slowly made our way down the stairs and out side, only to see tables upon tables of gifts. "Whoa, we are gonna need a seperate room just for all of this stuff!" I gush and Emma nods her head, "We are going to have some spoiled babies..."

The pack members all greeted us as we passed by and some of the older women would gush at our apparently 'glowing' skin. A few women say that they can't wait to know the gender of the future alpha and beta. I could tell Emma was excited to tell everyone she was expecting twins. I cried when she told me, but that is nothing special since I cry about everything these days. I cried yesterday because I dropped my pizza slice.

Music was playing but people were mainly talking, some were dancing, but not many.

Little kids swarmed Emma and I and we laughed at all of their questions and compliments.

Luca and Dominick find us in a crowd and tell us it is time to reveal the genders of the babies. We both walk up onto the makeshift stage and the music is turned off. One by one everyone turns to look at us, smiles etched on their faces.

"Hello everyone and thank you so much for coming to Emma and Angelica's baby shower." Leah says and Emma steps up, "Is everyone ready?" Leah yells and the crowd whistles and claps.

Dominick, Rylan and Theodore all come on stage with large confetti canons and the crowd counts down from five.






The boys all unleash the confetti and blue and pink confetti flies everywhere, A big screen in the back of the stage lights up blue and pink with "The Beta Twins!!" Flashing.

Everyone cheers loudly and Leah, Luca, Rylan and all of our friends and family give her a huge hug. Dominicks parents nearly crush her in a giant hug and I laugh.

"Now, who would like to know if Angelica is having a little Alpha or Luna?" Leah asks, shouting over the noise. The crowd once again claps and whistles, waiting for Luca, Riker, and Annette to walk out with the other confetti canons.

The crowd once again counts down from five and then they fire the canons.

Blue confetti goes out over the crowd and all over us and the screen lights up blue, "An Alpha baby."

Everyone goes nuts, happy for both Emma and me. Confetti flies everywhere and people run up to us and hug us, saying how much they can not wait to meet the three angels.

Luca walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I lean into him and stare up at the night sky, smiling as the moon shone down on us.

The cool breeze against my skin made goosebumps appear and the sound of laughter created a warm feeling in my chest.

There was just something so magical about looking around and seeing so many people celebrating the same thing, celebrating new life. Not that long ago, celebrating life meant that I had successfully killed someone that was trying to kill me. Now? Now my best friend and I are expecting and I am about to start a whole new chapter in my life. A chapter where I am surrounded by people who love me and support me.

Luca places a kiss on my cheek and Theodore gives me a hug.

This is how life should be.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter! How do you feel about Angelica having a little boy? Their little prince. I love babies!!

I am working on so many new stories, most of them fantasy.

My story is now at 1.9k reads and you don't know how happy I am! This is a dream come true, I never thought any of my stories would have so many reads. I hope all of you are enjoying it and please remember to vote and comment.

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