black saints react to Seiya's wa status

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(Screen recorder on face camera on)

Black Pegasus: hey did you guys know he made a status update... It all is videos... Hahaha
Black Cygnus: oh okay right away let's check it out... BTW this person is Pegasi Seiya hhh
Black Pegasus: yeah let's see...

**in first video of Seiya status in whatsapp**
*camera front on and show Seiya's handsome face smiling and chatter a bit*
Seiya: why does I looked more adult time by time eh? Hahaha it just weird... Oh gosh
*camera back on, and shows SSO has been aired then he back show in face and in confused tone*
Seiya: okay weird...
*then it goes to second video*
Seiya: it seems I see myself so angry scary, though I pointing anyone bout that issue... And feeling so desperate hee hee look
*looking at TV screen and back to his front face view*
Seiya: okay I'm sulk there hahahahaha!
**Black Saints review the video status update**
Black Pegasus: hee hee all of them is so funny... Wait how does he can record himself using his armor?
Black Cygnus: weird...
Black Dragon: Hahaha it just sooooo... Funny
*3rd video*
*front camera on and he looks so sad... And then it shows his boots missing it just shows bare foot with white socks, and he began to tear up and*
Seiya: who the hell would steal my bronze armor shoes part??
*last video he looked excited and see his boots is founded and no scratches on it, he finally he wore it and waving to audience*
*next one it just... Picture of him and his friends in a bus.. With caption "finally 5 bronze saints get together glad to hear it! 😄😇"*

Black Pegasus: what?? That's it?? Oh yeah that's friendly though Seiya just shows himself wearing armor of pegasus
Black Cygnus: yeah that's awesome
Black Dragon: wait he post another one!
*newer video is himself dubsmash funny comedy style with Hyoga and Shiryu it so funny black saints laughs a lot*

Black Pegasus: ahahahahaha it so insane and funny
Black Cygnus: really funny...
Black Dragon: Hee hee it looks great whatever is
*screen recorder off*
#funny but weird I hope it's not cringey hmm... See ya later at next chapter peeps#

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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