Chapter 1

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These are all three walls that keep what's left of humanity hidden away from giant man eating monsters. Or titans as they are now called


It was a cold windy night in wall sina.

"Mummy! Can a have you sing me a song??" A little girl whispered as her mum walked into the room. "Of course pumpkin" the older woman said edging closer to the bed

"Twinkle twinkle little star,

How I wonder where you are,

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky,

Twinkle twinkle little star,

How I wonder where you are.." The mother sang softly and walked off to another room.


There was a gunshot and screams coming from the mothers bedroom.

The 9 year girl old child ran to where the sound was. Only to see her mother and older sister dead.

"Mummy! Onii chan!! Please no!" The child cried.

She then saw her father running out of the house with a gun and knife with blood everywhere.

The little girl ran out of the house crying only to be pushed around by thugs.

"Stop! Please!" The girl cried.

But the thugs wouldn't stop,

"Please!" She cried again. But nothing but hurtful words and punches came her way.

Until something very strange happened.

"I SAID STOP!!!!!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and her eyes turned yellow and black, she grew two sharp teeth and she spat acid at the gang

It was like she was a snake or something.

The girl just stood there in shock.

She knew right then that she would have to make everyone that hurt her pay and she do anything to survive.

She grabbed a black hoodie and 3 knives from the boys she had just killed. She slipped the hoodie on and covered her face with the hood

She then ran back to her house to grab a navy pair of jeans. She then cut them to short shorts up just above her thighs. Then grabbed a pair of knee high boots which she then tucked her three knives into.

Then she disappeared without a trace.

She never really had no friends. Eh

But she didn't care! She didn't trust anyone but she was still lonely and but it was just the beginning.

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