Chapter 3

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------jazz pov------

I stare there in shock as people start crowding around and screaming at what I had done.

"Oh shit" I think to myself and my face goes back to normal as I run off just as I see the survey corps soldiers arrive at the scene.

"Oh shit this is so bad they brought the elite soldiers, the commander of the corps and corporal shorty" I think to myself as I keep running.

As I slowly turn my head I see the survey corps chasing me. "Hah even with 3DMG your too slow" I yell out as I keep running.

But as I turn back to where I was running there was non other than corporal shorty or Levi Ackerman.

He leaps forward and punched me in the head then blackness took over.

------Levi pov------

The brat turns back to see see non other than me.

Her blue eyes Widen in shock as I hit her in the head. Just before she closes her eyes go yellow and black before turning blue and she is unconscious.

"Great job Levi!" Erwin says as he walks over. "Yeah whatever, this brat was stupid so it was easy" I say in my usual bored voice as a group of military police glide over on their 3DMG "we will be taking her into military police custody now commander" says one of the MP

"Yes right" Erwin says as he hands her over to them. They out hand cuffs on her and drag her away.

Tch she is gonna get all dirty that way.

"Commander Erwin! We got some of the reports from the people oh saw the event!" Petra tells Erwin.

"They said just as they came out she grew two long fangs, yellow eyes with a black slit, a long tongue and she killed a thug by spitting lethal acid into his forehead sir!" She continues.

"Hmmm I wonder... Okay we will be trying to win her over the military police at he court case in a few days. Hanji might wanna test her or something" Erwin reports.

After that We all start heading back to HQ

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