Mad Love Chapter Five

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Mkay, Chapter Five! Enjoy!

Oh, and to all my voters, reviewers, and fans, THANK YOU SO MUCH. To check my story, and see that someone has voted, or commented that they love it, makes me want to have a million chapters to upload for you guys!

(Unfortunately, I only have this one, and I have work tonight, and still have to SLEEP. Ah, I love sleep. Instead, I wrote this for you beautimous peoples.)

Please, Please, PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT. I swear I'll love you forever! :D


I woke up the next morning with Jamie on my mind. Last night, I had kissed him. Now, as far as kisses go, it wasn't my best work. I've kissed and been kissed before, and what I did to Jamie was a quick peck on the lips. But what should I have done?! I was nervous!

I rolled over, burying my face in my pillow. Well, at least my feelings are out there now, into the wild blue yonder and such. Whether he likes me or not, he knows how I feel, right? Right? Oh, God...

I took a long shower, until the water started to lose heat. I didn't bother with makeup, but I left my hair down in long waves. I'm not beautiful. My Dad will tell you I am, but that's because he loves me. Em probably would do the same. At best, I'm pretty. I doubt I'll ever stop traffic, but I'm no mutant. But that's okay, I can live with average.

I dressed quickly into a tank top and shorts and headed into the living room. I saw Dad on the deck, sipping his morning coffee. I walked up to him, hugging him from behind. We stayed there for a minute, before Julie came out on the deck, too.

"Mark and his kids should be here around two o'clock," Dad said. Julie nodded, humming.

"Yes, he's leading several of the workers here."

Dad nodded. "Oh, Maddy, the Whitmires are coming over around the same time. I talked to Earl on the phone, and he's got the night off of work."

I had told Dad about seeing Alex yesterday, so he made sure to invite them.

"Maddy, I'll need your help in a little bit. I think we're supposed to have around thirty people coming over. Gabe and Rob will be barbequing, and we'll need to make sure everything is spic and span."

"Julie, the house looks fine," Dad said wearily. He got tired of her obsessive cleaning easily.

"Now Gabe, I just want the guests to feel like this is a well-kept lake cabin, not a frat house," she joked, holding out her hands in a 'so-sue-me' gesture.

I sighed, rolling my eyes. I grabbed Dad's cup, taking a large gulp of coffee. "About what time will Jamie get here?" I heard Dad ask. I looked down into the coffee mug, as the conversation took a turn where I least wanted it.

"Jamie's already here," Julie replied. "Yep, he got in late last night."

"Really?" Dad asked, looking pleasantly surprised. "Well that's good. He can help me and Rob do some damage to the grill!"

I glanced back at the house, wondering if Jamie was still sleeping. Instead, I saw him leaning in the doorway, looking at us. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a black wife beater shirt. When I saw his dark eyes were on me, I whipped my head back to the conversation, my hair catching across my lips. I mentally berated myself for being such a coward. In all the ways I wanted to see Jamie, I dreaded what his reaction might be. 'Oh, for real, don't hate me,' I thought.

I watched from my periphery as he walked next to Julie's side. Dad tugged his coffee mug from my hands.

"Now what are you doing, baby girl?" He joked, tilting the cup to his smiling lips.

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