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Luke's POV //

I was up all night, lying awake in bed thinking about the the cause of the entire problem here.


Idiot. Who gave him the fucking right? Why did he have to smile like that? Or laugh like that? Or do anything the way he did? Was he fucking trying to make me gay?

Because to be honest I'm scared to death that it's working.

I know it shouldn't be like this. I know who I am... or who I thought I was. But knowing and feeling are two completely different things.

I was still awake when my alarm started beeping. I quickly turned it off, not wanting to wake anyone else up. After getting dressed and going to the bathroom, I slowly made my way to the kitchen that my friends and I shared. It was 6:00 am, which meant no one would be up for hours. I usually wouldn't be either, but I made plans for myself today. I wanted some time alone.

After a quietly placing my empty bowl of cereal into the sink, I made my way to the front door and put on my shoes. As I placed my hand on the doorknob, I heard someone speak behind me.

"Luke?", Calum said quietly in a raspy voice.

I slowly turned around to face him. He was scratching the back of his neck and had a small smile on his face. And if I'm admitting this to myself, he was quite adorable.

"Where are you going? It's so early", he asked, rubbing his eyes.

I cleared my throat. "Did I wake you up? Sorry, I was trying to be quiet, and--"

"Where are you going?", he asked again.

I sighed. "Out."

Calum raised an eyebrow and slipped on his shoes. "Well, can I go out with you then?"

I almost blushed because of his word choice.

"I kind of wanted to be alone", I said quietly. Then I faked a cough and looked away.

Calum tilted his head to the side and spoke quietly, just like I had. "No one wants to be alone, Luke." He put his hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright?", he asked.

I quickly brushed his hand off and nodded. "Yeah, I'm great. But I'm gonna go now, okay? Bye."

I opened the front door and quickly walked out to my car, getting into the driver's seat. Before I even knew how it happened, I found Calum sitting next to me.

I groaned. "Calum!"

"Luke!", he mocked as he put on his seat belt.

"Are you going to get out?", I asked him, furrowing my eyebrows. The idea was to get away from Calum. To have some time to myself in the fresh air. To think about what the truth might be.

"Not unless you carry me", he said with a smile.

I put my face into my hands as my elbows rested on the steering wheel.

Calum sighed. "Just drive, then. Pretend I'm not here. Do exactly what you planned to do and I won't say a word to you until we get right back here on the driveway."

I looked at him for a moment and thought about it. If he wasn't going to ask me about anything, then I wouldn't have to explain anything. I nodded slowly. "Fine", was all I said before I started to drive.


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