III • After the Show

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The only thing more exciting than being at a rock and roll concert is being on the side stage of a rock and roll concert. Every thrum of the guitar, every hit of the drum resonated in my chest and vibrated every piece of my body. I danced and sang with the other girls, feeling like I was one of them. The boys thanked the crowd one last time and ran offstage, sweaty and grinning. Again, we made the walk back to the dressing room, where the boys changed their stage clothes.
"So, about that interview," Danny reminded, slipping into a clean shirt.
"Right! Yes..." I reached into my bag to grab my notebook and tape recorder when I caught sight of my watch. 11:57. Fuck.
"Goddammit," I mumbled, cursing the fact that I had a curfew.
"What's up?" Josh asked, noticing my concern.
"I, uhh, I'm afraid I have to go. Very important meeting," I lied. There was no way in hell I was going to tell a rock and roll band and their beautiful groupies that my mother said I had to go home.
"You have a meeting at midnight?" Sam asked incredulously.
"Writers don't sleep," I made up on the spot, the answer being absurd enough to appease him. "I apologize for wasting your time."
"Nah, we can make it up." Josh assured, scribbling an adress down on a spare piece of paper. "We're staying at the Grand Stay hotel down the street for the next few days. Come by tomorrow night, we'll get you that interview." I took the paper with relief.
"Wow I- I mean, thank you, I'll see you then," I corrected myself, remembering that I wasn't an inexperienced kid tonight. "I guess I'll be leaving now."
"I'll walk you out," the orange-coated girl offered, bouncing off the couch where she was watching the boys change, eyes keen on Jake and Sam.
"Don't be long, Peach, we're heading back to the hotel soon," Josh warned.
"Yeah, and we have a lot of catching up to do," Jake called with a wink. The orange-coat girl, who I now knew as Peach, grinned at the guitarist.
"There's plenty of lovely girls around here to catch up with, dear Jakey. Besides, I believe your baby brother called first dibs last time we spoke," she quipped, turning on her heel and leaving Jake speechless and Sam blushing. She hooked an arm in mine, giving me a friendly grin and escorting me through the halls.
"So, a meeting?" She asked, making light conversation.
"Yeah," I said, hoping I was convincing.
"You know, I've read some of your stuff in local papers. You're a great writer. Terrible liar, though," she poked. I felt myself starting to sweat.
"Yeah I'm sorry about that," I mumbled, earning a laugh.
"Don't apologize. Lying is key in this industry. I mean, you don't think my name is actually Peach, do you?" She consoled, making me laugh in relief.
"I suppose not." We reached the exit door and she unlocked her arm from mine. She pulled out a notebook and pen from her coat pocket, scribbling down names and numbers.
"Here's mine and the girls' numbers. If you ever feel bored and just need to get out, call us up." She said, handing me the paper. I accepted graciously.
"Thanks," I tucked the paper in my bag, "I'll see you tomorrow night then?" She nodded. Before leaving she pulled me into a hug.
"You're going to have so much fun here, kid," she whispered, pulling away and waving one last time before turning and walking back down the hallway. I opened the door into the cool night air, feeling airy and determined, knowing that I had entered a new chapter of my life.

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