IV • The Drive

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"I really wish you would let me drive you," my mother fretted, "just so I can see where you are." I sighed at her worry.
"I told you where I'm going, mom, and I wrote it on the fridge," I argued, messing with my hair in the mirror. I had made more of an attempt with my look today, feeling a bit out of place the night previous. I curled my light-brown hair slightly, and lined my eyes with charcoal to make the different colours pop. Granted, I was still in a t-shirt and bell-bottoms, but I wasn't about to give up my whole look for one night.
"I know, but I still worry," she replied. I stood in front of her, taking her hands.
"You need to stop worrying about me so much, mom. I'm technically an adult," I pleaded. She smiled and took my face in her hands.
"I'm your mother, that's never going to happen," she assured, pulling me in for a hug. A horn sounded outside, signalling the arrival of my ride. I grabbed my coat and bag, saying one last goodbye to my mother and running out the door. Delilah was in the driver's seat, another girl in the passenger seat who grinned and waved at me.
"Ellie! It's nice to see you again," she greeted when I slid into the backseat, "I'm Claire, by the way, Claire Voyance. I don't think I introduced myself last night. And of course you know Delilah." I smiled up at her.
"Of course! It's nice seeing you guys again, too," I replied. Delilah turned up the radio, blasting Aerosmith as she pulled out of the driveway and into the night. I tuned out the girls mostly, they were making light conversation. I had never been on that side of town and the lights were dazzling and new.
"...right, Ellie?" Delilah inquired, taking me out of my trance.
"Huh?" I said, dazed. The girls laughed, light and jovially.
"I said parties at the Grand Stay always get out of hand," Delilah repeated. I felt a nervous blush in my cheeks.
"Well, uh, I've never actually been to one," I replied. It wasn't a lie, I hadn't even been to the hotel in question.
"Really?! I'd think this would be a big stop for a rock journalist," Claire gasped. I simply shrugged in response. Delilah looked quizzically back at me in the rearview mirror.
"You aren't really a journalist, are you?" She asked.
"I am!" I defended, "I'm just...not super experienced is all."
"I knew you weren't 25! Your aura was way off for that," Claire exclaimed.
"I never said I wasn't 25!" I rebuttled.
"Honey, you may have fooled Troy but you haven't fooled us," Delilah said, "20. Maybe 21." I was silent for a moment, upset at myself for the rouse not having worked.
"18," I said softly.
"Holy shit! You're practically a baby!" Claire exclaimed. I blushed with embarassment.
"Claire, be nice!" Delilah chided, "don't worry, Ellie, you're still older than some groupies around, gross as it is. Your secret is safe with us." Claire nodded in agreement. We soon pulled into a parking spot and I was blown away. The hotel was huge, adorned with gold. The entrance was bustling with all types of people, the extravagent and the ordinary. What have I gotten myself into.

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