V • The Hotel

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The lobby was packed with people as we entered. Annoyed looking business men with briefcases stood impatiently at the front desk. Groups of young girls and boys in band shirts and disposable cameras fluttered excitedly amd anxiously, hoping to get a peek at some big rock stars. Sultry women in suggestive clothing flirted with wandering-eyed men. I had linked arms with Delilah and Claire to avoid getting lost in the crowd. They pulled me directly towards the elevator. There was a young, lanky boy in there with us. His hair was light and shaggy, half-covering his wide eyes. Delilah and Claire nodded to him in greeting, which he returned anxiously. I had to admit, seeing young people around there that were more nervous than I was was a bit of a relief. The elevator stopped at the 7th floor where we exited. I expected to see an empty, quiet hallway. Oh boy, was I wrong. The hallway was filled with chattering men with long hair and even longer beards, scantilly clad women on their arms. Somewhere someone was playing Dylan on guitar, while another was blasting the Ramones on a shitty stereo. Oh Jesus please help me. Delilah and Claire pulled me through the hallway, greeting people as they walked and trying to fill me in on who everyone was.
"That's Dirk, the road manager for-" or "That's Layla, she stays with-". There were so many names and I picked up a whopping zero of them. Finally, we reached the room at the end of the hallway. The door was ajar and the girls kicked it open. It took everything in me not to gasp out loud. The room was huge, it was probably bigger than my house. There were more people in this room, although at least there wasn't an unholy Blitzkrieg Bop/Hurricane mashup being played. The girls let go of my arms and I followed them to the main area of the room where I sighed relief at the familiar faces.
"And now the party may officially begin!" Claire announced as she and Delilah gestured flamboyantly. The crowd cheered upon their arrival. I was standing between an arm chair, where Danny was seated, and a loveseat, where Jake was sandwiched between Peach and now Claire. Both of them were holding guitars and plucking tunes every so often. Directly across from Jake was another couch where Troy and another girl from last night were seated. Delilah had thrown herself across their laps dramatically. Between those couches sat Josh on a bean bag chair, looking up at another unknown girl from last night with intrigue. She had a hand on his shoulder and was laughing lightly. There was no sexual tension, just a mutual respect. Although, the smoking glass "vase" next to Josh could have had something to do with that. I smirked to myself at the observation before doing a head count.
"Guys, where's Sam?" I asked. I didn't want him to miss the interview. Before anyone could respond a loud yet familiar voice came from behind me.
"Heeeeeeey it's Ellie!" Sam slurred loudly, throwing an arm around my shoulder. He reeked of smoke and alcohol. He wore a lopsided grin like it was his best accessory.
"Sam! We were just going to look for you!" Josh called. Sam scooted past me and flopped down next to Josh, grabbing the "vase". The gang's all here.
"Ellie, we didn't all get to introduce ourselves last night," said the girl sitting next to Troy, "I'm Desirée."
"Miss Desirée Flame!" Peach chanted to no one in particular before reducing into giggles. It was becoming increasingly clear to me that I was one of the only sober people on the premises.
"And they call me Marigold," the girl next to Josh added, ignoring her intoxicated friend. I waved to both of them.
"Well, now that names are all put of the way, should we start the interview?" I asked.
"What's the rush? We've got all night!" Jake argued. I took a tenative seat on the arm of his couch. Danny offered me a beer to which I accepted. I'd never been a fan of beer but I didn't want to seem rude. I took a sip, hid the disgust on my face, and deigned to just hold it awkwardly until I could dispose of it discretely. Danny and Jake started plucking away at their guitars again as Josh started rambling along. Even while high he sounded angelic. I took a set on the floor anx let the music sooth me. There was still plenty of opportunity to get that interview, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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