What do you think about death?

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1 What do you think about death?

2 I don't know, it's just part of nature, it's something that we'll all face one day.

1 Does it ever scare you?

2 Of course it does.

1 Why?

2 Well, of course I'm afraid that I'll never live the life I was meant to live, but I'm also afraid of what I don't know, dead people don't just come back to life I write books about what it is to be dead, I'm afraid of what it might be to die, because I don't know what's waiting for me on the other side.

1 But what scares you the most?

2 Dying without loving.

1 What does that mean?

2 I don't want to die without love it my heart, I don't want to die knowing that I have never known what it truly is to love, that terrifies me, I have you now, but what if one day we fight, and i scream that I hate you on my way out the door and i never make it back home, I don't want to die in pain, I don't want my death to bring pain, of course, I wouldn't make you throw a party on the anniversary of my death every year, but I hope that when I leave this world behind, there is some way that I can also leave behind closure for you, and for everyone that loves me, who has loved me and left me in the past. I want you to know that when I lived, I did it happily.

1 I know, because if you weren't happy, I wouldn't be here with you.

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