Chapter 3

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CJ followed his classmates out into the hallway as the bell rang. Looking up from his schedule he saw his twin and her strawberry-blonde haired friend walking closely together. He pocketed his schedule as he made his way to them, hearing some of their conversation which involved a 'Scott' who, supposedly, had locked them in a class room and left them for dead during the school attack.

"I'm sorry, he did what?!" he cut in between them, "who is this Scott and where is he so I can beat his ass,"

"He's no one, let it go," Allison insisted, giving Lydia a look that clearly said 'don't say anything'.

Lydia shot her a smirk, eyes twinkling in mischief, "Scott McCall is a classmate of ours who also happens to be your sister's now ex-boyfriend. Also, the one who Derek Hale sent her a message to meet at the school through his phone....," Before she can finish, Allison cut her off.

"THANK YOU, Lydia."

"No, no, keep going," CJ insisted in rage, giving his sister an angry, yet concerned, look as he tried to conceal the rage within him, "please, I'd love to hear more. That Scott sounds like some real nice dude; we should be best friends, bros even."

Allison turned to her twin with a sharp look, "seriously, let it go. I'm safe and everything is fine now."

"No, everything is not fine now, Ally. Derek Hale is still out there and apparently because of Scott Mc-freaking-Call you could be used to get to him... again!"

"Oh, my god, Derek is not gonna get to me, and I've already ended things with Scott. Can you calm down now? Please?" CJ gritted his teeth, but remained quiet. "Thank you," Allison said with a smile before walking away with Lydia.

CJ cursed quietly before his eyes fell on Danny.

"Yo Danno," he greeted his new friend.

"Hey, man. Enjoying your first day so far?"

"Yeah, it's going great, having a blast. Listen, do you know a Scott McCall?" CJ asked, hoping that his friend can provide any information on the now- in his opinion- dangerous boy.

"Yeah, he's on the lacrosse team," Danny nodded as he closed his locker and sent the Argent boy a quizzical look.

"Oh, is that right," CJ felt a smirk grow on his face, "think you can introduce us?"

Danny nodded, "sure. See you at practice," before walking away to his next class. CJ followed closely behind, although his eyes caught a pair of dark eyes belonging to a man in a suit talking with the Sheriff of town. CJ remembered him as he was the man who had helped train him to become a hunter in his younger years. He's helped train him to go under cover and how to lie to cops. Now he's here pretending to be state police. Huh, thought CJ, Argents never miss a beat, do they?


Coming out of the lunch line, CJ followed Danny to where the team was sitting on a table, but his eyes caught site of some idiot wannabe pretty boy sitting a little too close to his twin sister. Changing his course, he slammed his lunch on the table between them, startling them both and separating them, which was exactly what he planned.

What if? (Stiles Stilinkski)Where stories live. Discover now