Infiltration - Part 1

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Weaving in and out of shadows. Avoiding alert eyes that were all around her. Infiltrating and gathering intelligence on the mysterious organisation. This was just a typical Wednesday for 'Otter'; one of the most skilled agents, with no mission failure to her name, under the highly-secretive organisation Keyakizaka.

From her crouched position with a vision so incredibly sharp, she scanned the room for any danger, but instead realised just how suffocated she felt in a room this small that was crowded with control desks. The dim lighting only added to the ambience. She eyed her objective, a large flashing control panel on the opposite end of the room. Stealthily, Otter crept under one of the desks, closer to the final target she'd need to take out.

"All clear?" A voice spoke to her through an earpiece. 

Otter remained silent. She crawled out from under that desk and made her way towards the panel that was lit up like a Christmas tree with all its LEDs and visual displays. A quick elbow to her left and she had distracted the lone man who sat in the control room. As he crouched over in pain his headset fell and got damaged as it hit the floor. Her hands fumbled briefly in her leg pouch. She pulled out a dart and stabbed it into his thigh to administer the sedative.

She made one more journey around the room at a crouch to ensure there was no one else hiding about the place. Nerves didn't usually get to Otter, especially considering her record, but this mission was an exception. After a whole week of her captain emphasising just how important it would be for her to succeed she was really feeling the pressure. 'Keep it cool Hirate. You can do this,' she thought to herself. The agent took in a deep breath and exhaled the tension that was building up, "Clear now," she responded.

The voice on the other end of the earpiece spoke up again, "You are in front of the display, yes?" 

Otter picked up the unconscious guard from his chair and dropped him on the floor. Before stealing his seat, she rummaged through his pockets for any weapons he could use to defend himself should he wake up. All he had was a knife, which she pocketed in her leg pouch.

"Affirmative, Tanuki," she replied before examining the various buttons and monitors that sat in front of her. She massaged her temples as she tried to make sense of it all. 

"You should see a display to your right, the furthest right. It'll be prompting a password," Tanuki paused to wait for Otter to confirm she had found it.

She wheeled her chair to the right until she came to the last monitor of the row, her eyes settled on a screen that was entirely black except for a green flashing dialogue box that read, 'Enter Access Code'. With a small hum she signalled that she was ready to receive the code.

"Perfect. Now this is where you need to concentrate. One false entry and the whole facility will be alerted of your presence." 

"Fuck," otter said under her breath. The tension she thought had left her with her last sigh was back. No one had told her about the facility being full of security, even after her knocking out a load of her way to this room. It didn't matter how many times she had carried out a mission of this level, it would always feel like the first ever time.

"And we don't want that. There's only one of you and God knows how many of them." 

Sweat was forming on the back of her neck, soaking into the fabric of her shirt. She could feel her pulse racing in her throat, 'Now is not the time to freak out, Hirate,' her mind reprimanded. This was the climax of Keyakizaka's efforts so far. To fail here would be disastrous. She listened closely for the password. 

"The code is as follows: 15202108." 

She typed it in exactly as it was given. There was pause. She flexed out her hands which were growing more and more shaky with every digit she entered, she took a deep breath and then her hands were still again, just as calm as before. "15...20...21...08" Otter whispered under her breath, ensuring her entry was correct before hitting confirm.

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