Infiltration - Part 2

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Back at mission control, the two who had been overcome with emotion snapped out of it. Whether that was indeed the friend that they witnessed die, or whether it was some sort of sick impostor mimicking her voice, was irrelevant. They had a job to perform. An objective to complete, and they couldn't allow the potential appearance of their old teammate to interfere. 

Nagahama, with shaking hands that she tried very hard to steady with each calm breath, picked up her headset and placed it back over her ears. She recoiled slightly. What she heard transmitting from the other side wasn't good at all. 

"Otter, listen to me. She's lying," Neru shouted desperately from her helpless position of mission control. 

Her hands shot to her temples. This situation wasn't one she had foreseen.

"None of what she says is true. R.I.S.E is known for twisting the truth."

Known for twisting the truth was an understatement. The amount of Keyakizaka agents who ended up being pulled in by their false words and promises was a testament to how they work. R.I.S.E is an infection spreading across the hidden world. 

Without a second thought, Neru reached out to grab a hold of her captain's shoulder. Her grip was strong and forceful as she pulled her nearer. 

"You need to hear this," she handed over the comms device then continued, "And you need to send in backup right away."

If it were possible for Sugai's face to express more shock, then at that very moment, it did. With every new piece of information they were being fed it was another blow.

She couldn't believe her old friend was there. Alive. And working to brainwash one of Keyakizaka's own agents. 

"Contact them immediately captain. I don't want to lose another," Nagahama's voice was monotonous but sharp. It wasn't like her to make demands of her superior, but the mission control agent had no choice because whether they were losing Hirate in a literal or metaphorical way it would be detrimental to their work. 


A group of three agents planned out their rescue method as their chopper descended upon the R.I.S.E complex. The pilot ensured no watchtowers caught sight of them as they dropped they ladder just above the building Hirate was stuck in. 

"Agent Moriya, Suzumoto, Kobayashi, you know what you have to do," Nagahama had already coached them in regards to the plan, now they were left to their own devices to carry it out. 

From her bag, Moriya produced and unwound four packs of explosives, one for each corner of the roof. "Setting charges," she said as she got each in position. 

They grouped in the middle. Knees bent, weapons drawn, braced for dropping in. 



The roof crumbled beneath their feet and they came falling into the interrogation room. But instead of their being a firefight and any enemy agents to fend off, the room had only their Agent Otter, who had taken cover under the table. 

"Well that.... was anticlimactic," Moriya snarked as she holstered her weapon. 

Kobayashi rolled her eyes, "I'd rather this than we get our brains blown out as soon as we landed." 

Hirate stayed under the table with widened eyes. 

"What's the matter with her? Hey! We just saved your life. You should be thankful," said Agent Moriya as she took a kneel beside the table, peering underneath.

The agent tried to grab hold of Hirate to drag her out from under the table but she recoiled instantly. "Get off of me! Don't touch me!" she yelled. 

"What's got into you? We need to leave now." 

Hirate tried to fight against the arms pulling her out but no matter how much she struggled she still wasn't strong enough to break free. And before knew it her head fell backwards and everything went black. 

"Agent Suzumoto, did you administer the sedative?" Nagahama asked over comms. 

"Yes. She was struggling."

They heard Nagahama exhaling in frustration and exhaustion on the other end of the radio, "Return to the facility as soon as possible," was the only command she could give. 


The Keyakizaka Captain, along with mission control and their lead interrogator Watanabe Risa, sat at a table awaiting the arrival of the three field agents. 

Once they had carried agent Hirate to the safe room they joined the mission debriefing. 

Captain Sugai stood after the others had taken their places in the room and gave an introduction, "So as you are all aware, agent Hirate has been subjected to the R.I.S.E brainwashing programme. This is a situation that we have encountered before...but unfortunately not one we have overcome."

Around the table there were murmurs about the situation at hand but nothing that offered any solution. 

Moriya shrugged her shoulders, "I always said she wasn't mentally prepared for such missions."

"She was our best," Nagahama countered.

"Best? What good is best if she can be easily led astray?!" 

The captain slammed her hands down on the table, "Now is not the time for arguing. We need solutions."

Silence consumed the room. There were no known solutions. 

A hand raised from the opposite end of the table.

"Yes, agent Watanabe. Go ahead," the captain said.

She cleared her throat, "I know my sister was one of the agents who fell for the indoctrination. I might have some ideas of how to reverse programme Hirate."

Nagahama put a hand to her chin, she was deep in thought. Then it came to her, "As you are related to the agent who was taken by R.I.S.E, do you think you'd be able to gather further intelligence from their facility?"

"I believe that could work."

"Then we will set that in motion, I will prepare the mission fil-" Nagahama was cut off abruptly.

A panicked voice came through Nagahama's radio, "Hirate's awake. She's trying to break through the glass."

And that concluded the meeting. 

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