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I squeezed my eyes as tight as possible,
Held the scissors in shaking hands,
And snipped the bond that was holding me too tight;
That had my lungs begging for air.

I didn't want to hurt you-
That's why it took me so long,
But it was you that handed me the scissors,
And I handed them back every time,
With shaking hands-
Convinced we could fix it.

But the last time, as I tried to find my positioning,
I struggled with you.
You fought to take the scissors back,
As if you had forgotten you were the one who gave them to me in the first place.

I miss the warmth,
The comfort of that bond.

Yet, I never felt so relieved
As the moment I felt the rope fall.
But I have yet to let go of the scissors.
You changed me.
My lungs are filling with air,
And you are what I needed
To set myself free.
Thank you.

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