Life Without You

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I haven’t known a life without you
I didn’t want to.
The hallway behind me in the morning feels
Half empty
You’re not a step behind me.
I don't hear the small familiar sound of claws
On the hardwood floor
Or the jingle of your tags
When we walk out the door.
You aren’t sitting on the stares,
As we look back to say goodbye
You aren’t running to us
The moment you hear the car in the driveway.

Watching you go was agany
You didn’t like the weird taste it gave you
But it only lasted a moment
Before you let go.
I still don’t know how to say goodbye
And I wonder if anyone ever truly does.
I will never see you again
In this life
And I will never be okay with that,
But you were ready
You needed to go.

I haven’t known a life without you.
I didn’t want to.
But to make you stay would have been selfish.
So I will push away the tears, as we do,
And whisper a painful goodbye.

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